Electoral ward maps, area and ward profiles and locality profiles.

Area profiles contain information which is generally is more current and up-to-date than the 2011 Census; which is sometimes the only source for certain data.

Topics covered include:

  • Crime rate
  • House prices
  • Population estimates
  • Unemployment

Note: Not all of the topics are available for each of the geographies listed below.

Electoral ward maps

Area and ward profiles

Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs)

Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) continued

Town profiles

Profiles give information by 'town', such as population estimates, recorded crime, unemployment, council tax benefit recipients, welfare benefits, other information

Four towns based on pre-1974 local authority boundaries

Populations for two further 'towns' using current administrative boundaries

Three remaining larger towns


Cleckheaton, which was historically part of the larger Spenborough Urban District, can be defined using the current Cleckheaton Ward. The current Cleckheaton ward dates from 2004 and replaced an electoral ward dating from 1982; the 1982 ward was broadly similar to the current ward though covered a slightly smaller population. There is also a locality boundary for Cleckheaton which is smaller than the ward boundary.


Holmfirth is part of the Holme Valley Town Council area which also covers Honley and Brockholes; these areas are often thought of as not being part of the town of Holmfirth, though along with Meltham they are part of the HD9 postal district which carries the post town of Holmfirth. The ward of Holme Valley South covers Holmfirth and surrounding villages, whereas Holmfirth locality covers only the central part of Holmfirth without any of the surrounding villages.


Liversedge was historically part of the larger Spenborough Urban District. At present there is no overall profile available for Liversedge.

Locality profiles


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