We advise that any planning application affecting a heritage asset contains a heritage statement.

These are some suggestions to include in your statement.

Assessment of significance

  • Basic information about the listed building or conservation area
  • Grade of listed building and listed building description (GII, GII*, GI)
  • Date of building
  • Name of architect or builder (if known)
  • Description of features of the building
  • Name and character of the conservation area (if relevant)
  • Its contribution to the setting of the listed building or conservation area (if relevant)
  • Description of the significance of specific part affected by proposal.

Heritage impact assessment

  • An assessment of impact the proposal will have upon the heritage asset (Listed building or conservation area)
  • Will the proposal harm, enhance or preserve the significance of the heritage asset?
  • How will the proposal impact upon the heritage asset?


The more the harm that is being caused, the greater the justification that is needed.

  • Demonstrate why the works are required
  • If the impact is harmful, what is the public benefit? For instance, are you securing optimum viable use of the heritage asset in the interests of its long-term conservation?
  • Are there alternatives which would cause less or no harm?
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