Collecting prescriptions
In accordance with Kirklees providers contract, providers must not routinely purchase or collect GP prescriptions, none prescription (Over the Counter) medication, nutritional supplements and herbal remedies on behalf of a service user. These tasks are not included in the Kirklees providers Contract and as such will not be included as part of a service users schedule (SUS). Therefore, the provider will not be paid for carrying out these tasks unless under special circumstances agreed by an Authorised Officer of the Council.
Service Users or their representatives need to ensure arrangements are in place for the service user's local pharmacist, family member or representative to collect and deliver prescriptions for a service user who may need support with this.
Arrangements will also need to be in place to ensure contingency plans are in place to avoid the service user being without medication when, for example, the service user's family go on holiday or into hospital.
Most local pharmacists can arrange a collection and delivery service for prescribed medications with no charge to the service user.
Only in exceptional and one off emergency situations should a provider collect a service user's prescription and only after exploring all other alternative options.
Further guidance
Ordering and supplying medicines | Guidance | NICE
Managing medicines: home care providers | Care Quality Commission (