Housing Related Support aims to help vulnerable people to live as independently as possible.

Who we help

We fund housing related support services which have helped many people who:

  • want to avoid losing their home
  • need to go to hospital
  • access other care services

We can also help

  • young adults
  • older people leaving care
  • leaving hospital or prison
  • to make the successful move to independent living.

Support provided

People who use Housing Related Support have been helped to:

  • gain and keep their independence
  • stay out of hospital or come home earlier
  • maximise their income
  • take part in social activities and be part of their community (such as education, work, training)
  • reduce or stop alcohol or drug use
  • stop committing crime
  • setting up and maintaining their home
  • developing domestic and life skills
  • with advice and advocacy in connection with housing or tenancy matters
  • with general counselling and emotional support.

Support for

Housing Related Support helps vulnerable people such as:

  • People with mental health problems
  • Older people with support needs
  • Vulnerable young people
  • Homeless people or those at risk of eviction.

Eligibility criteria

Anyone over the age of 16 who is:

  • Assessed as being in need of housing-related support
  • Entitled to a means-tested benefit such as housing benefit or council tax benefit (for services over 2 years)
  • Belonging to a vulnerable group

Contact Housing Related Support

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