Five steps to being a responsible dog owner
We all want our district to be a safe and friendly place, so if you own or walk a dog please follow our five-step code and be a responsible owner.
Bag it and bin it
Carry poop scoop bags with you and dispose of dog fouling responsibly.
You can put bagged dog mess in regular litter bins, but if you can't find one around please take it home.
Use a lead
Always use a lead when walking near roads, and in other areas where there are lots of people and vehicles.
If in doubt, keep your dog on its lead.
Be sensible about where you walk your dog
Avoid areas where children are playing or where sports activities are taking place.
If you spot wildlife or animals nearby, please keep your dog on a lead and make sure it doesn't disturb them.
Be aware of other people
Some people are not used to being around dogs, and even the friendliest one can scare them, so please look around you and make sure your dog is under control and not jumping up.
Encourage children to ask first before they approach an unknown dog.
Raise a happy and sociable dog
Get your dog used to other people and other dogs from an early age; taking it to training classes will help this.
If you walk several dogs, make sure you're able to control them all, especially in busy places.
Public places are for everyone to enjoy
Above all show respect for other people, act reasonably without causing offence, or by allowing your dog to let you down by behaving badly towards anyone.
With your co-operation and help we can all make Kirklees a better place to live and enjoy.