Council Tax Reduction appeals
What to do if you think the decision about your Council Tax Reduction is wrong
How to appeal
- If you think your reduction is wrong you must write to us explaining why you think the reduction is wrong.
- We will respond to your notice setting out the steps you can take if you remain unhappy with our decision.
- You can only appeal if you think we have not followed the rules set out in the authority's reduction scheme, you cannot appeal against the authority's decision to adopt the scheme it has adopted.
Send your appeal to:
- Kirklees Council
- Address Benefit Appeals Section, Welfare and Exchequer, PO Box 1720, Huddersfield, HD1 9EL
- Phone 01484 221000 ask for Benefits
Council Tax Reduction criteria
Council Tax Reduction is a local scheme designed to help households on low incomes to pay their Council Tax. It is not linked to National Insurance contributions.
- If you are working age you must have less than £8,000 in capital, savings, shares and property. The capital limit is £16,000 if you are of pension age unless you are aged 60 or over and receive the 'guaranteed credit' of Pension Credit.
- We calculate your reduction using your household's income and savings and compare this to what the government says your family needs to live on.
- For working age claimants your Council Tax Reduction is calculated on 75% of your liability. This means that you will have at least 25% to pay.