A building notice is most appropriate for smaller domestic projects.

This application is suitable when you intend to carry out building work as defined in Regulation 3 of the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended) and when making an application for a building notice under Regulation 12(2)(a) and Regulation 13 of the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended).

This application type cannot be used where The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 applies or if you are building close to a public sewer.

Detailed plans are not normally required but may be asked for to clarify certain aspects of your proposal.

The building notice is valid for 3 years. You can start work two working days after your notice has been submitted.

You will not get formal confirmation like you do with an application for building control approval with full plans. You will receive an acknowledgement letter which will inform you of the relevant site inspections that we require.

The form should be completed by the person intending to carry out the building work or their principal designer/contractor.

Once the work is complete you will get a completion certificate within 8 weeks as long as the works comply with the building regulations.

Submit a building notice

Clock Completing this form takes around 10 minutes.

Paperclip To complete this form you will need:

  • Any plans and construction specifications (if available)
  • Any photographs of the works (if available)
  • Location plan in a single page PDF format
    • In the case of the erection or extention of a building, building notice shall be accompanied by -
      1. plan to a scale of not less than 1:1250 showing -
        1. the size and positon of the building, or the building as extended, and its relationship to adjoining boundaries;
        2. the boundaries of the curtilage of the building, or the building as extended, and the size, position and use of every other building or proposed building within that curtilage;
        3. the width and position of any street on or within the boundaries of the curtilage of the building or the building as extended;
    • If you require a site location plan you can purchase this on Create Location & Block Plans for Planning & Building Control
    • Appropriate Cost Code
Submit a building notice

After you have applied

Once the application is deemed 'Valid', you will receive an email with your application number and a request that payment be made. Once the payment has been made, the application will be registered with ourselves.

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