When you are demolishing a building, you may need permission from the council before works commence. If permission is required cannot start work unless the council has received a Section 80 Notice.


Any person undertaking demolition must comply with the requirements contained in any Section 81 Notice served by the Council.


Any advice relating to the conditions may be obtained from the Building Control Office.


Demolition contractors should arrange suitable public liability insurance.


The demolition contractor is responsible for arranging with the statutory undertaker for the disconnection of all water, gas and electricity service prior to work commencing.

Hoardings and scaffolding

Suitable hoarding may be required to be erected to enclose the site during demolition and scaffold erected along the frontage abutting the highway and other such places as may be required, the site should also be left in in a safe condition at the close of each day's work.

Highway encroachment

Where any hoarding or walkway will encroach on a highway the demolition contractor must consult with the Highways Service before this is erected and a licence under Section 169 of the Highways Act 1980 may be required before the erection of scaffold/hoarding encroaching the highway.”


If it is intended to make a temporary closure of any street, express consent must be obtained from Highways. It should be noted that the required period of notice for a road closure is 4 weeks unless reduced by the agreement of Highways.

Dangerous practices

Overloading of any part of the building by debris or materials should be avoided.


When using cranes for demolition, care should be taken to make sure that the jib is not likely to come in close proximity of overhead electric wires and if necessary suitable barriers should be erected at ground 'level' to prevent such an occurrence, or restricted arcs of travel established.

Fire risk

All precautions should be taken to prevent the risk of fire or explosion caused by gas or vapour. Oxygen, acetylene and liquefied petroleum gas containers should be handled with care and stored and used away from source of heat.

Flooding, culverts and watercourses adjacent to or crossing the site

Care must be taken to guard against the risk of flooding from severed culverts or watercourses crossing or adjacent to the site. Protective measures are to be taken to protect culverts and embankments from damage.


Should be handled and used only by or under the control of a person competent in their use. Details of warning, publicity and protection, must be agreed with Building Control, Fire and Police in advance of demolition, with not less than 7 days' notice. Use of explosives must be notified to, and agreed with, the Health and Safety Executive as to method of application.

Safety including out of hours

A person carrying out demolition operations should make sure that any building which is partly demolished (and the site thereof) is so far as is reasonably practicable, properly secured or closed against entry at all times when demolition operations are not in progress and that the building or structure is left in a safe condition at the close of each day's work. (If this clause is not complied with, action may be taken by Building Control when necessary under Section 78 of the Building Act 1984, i.e. Dangerous Building - Emergency Measures), and costs incurred recovered from the owner.

Ensure that all contractors and site operatives are fully competent to undertake the demolition works.

For more information on safety, please see the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Demolition guidance .


The demolition contractor should arrange with the local authority to provide suitable access to the site.


Any gantry extending over the public footpath must be to the approval of Highways, Area Manager.


The demolition works should be periodically sprayed with water to reduce the amount of dust and the contractor shall take all reasonable steps to prevent any nuisance occurring.

For more information, please see the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Construction dust guidance .


Noise should be minimised as far as possible by the fitting and use of devices wherever practicable. The stated hours of working and use of equipment may also be determined by the councils public protection section using Control of Pollution Act powers (BS 5228-2:2009 gives guidance).

Fire and smoke

No burning will be permitted on site without the express consent of the Environmental Health Department and the West Yorkshire Fire Service. The deliberate burning of buildings will not be permitted as a means of demolition in any circumstances. If bonfires are permitted, care should be exercised in burning timbers, etc. in built up areas and consideration given to the prevailing wind as some materials, such as rubber and linoleum give off offensive smoke. All fires should be properly extinguished before the personnel leave the site or an appointed fire watchman should remain on the site for at least one hour after all fires have been extinguished. Extra care should be taken to ensure that no burgeoning fires are left when burning equipment (e.g. oxy-propane torches) have been used.


Gas cylinders and similar containers, whether empty, in use, or spare, should be stored in a safe place since if they become involved in a fire any resulting explosion may cause injury to persons and damage property.

Maintenance of access

Regard should be had to the need to maintain convenient and safe access to the adjacent properties.

Demolition ball

The use of a demolition ball is prohibited except with the written consent of the building control manager on behalf of the council.

Completion of work

Any requirements set out in the Section 81 notice served by the council must be carried out before the contractor vacates the site. Failure to comply may result in a conviction and fine not exceeding level 4 on the standard scale (£2,500).

Water services

The demolition contractor shall give at least forty-eight hours' notice of intention to remove, disconnect or seal any sewer or drain in or under the building to be demolished. At least twenty four hours' notice must be given before making good the surface of the ground disturbed by the removal or sealing of any sewer or drain under this section.

Commencement of work

Twenty four hours' notice of actual commencement or re-commencement should be given to the council in addition to the relevant period of notice (i.e. 6 weeks) or receipt of a Section 81 counter notice.


The Environmental Health Department should be given the opportunity to inspect premises for requirements in respect of vermin.


The Health and Safety Executive (Factory Inspectorate) and West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service should be informed of any storage tanks which have contained any explosive or flammable materials before any demolition work is commenced.

Site treatment

On completion of demolition, the site shall be cleared, levelled (fenced when necessary).


Where asbestos compounds are encountered during demolition care must be taken to remove it in accordance with the relevant safety codes. The Health and Safety Executive and Environmental Health Department should be informed immediately.

For more information, please see the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Asbestos guidance .


  • Where shoring is necessary, this should be so designed and constructed that it is adequate for the purpose and an experienced person should ensure that it is placed at the appropriate time. The shoring should be checked for effectiveness as the demolition proceeds. The original survey will have indicated whether it is necessary for permanent support or weatherproofing or both to protect the adjoining building. Where grubbing out foundations or reducing to new levels adjacent to existing buildings not being demolished, care must be taken to ensure that the support to the remaining foundations or land is not disturbed. Precautions should be taken to prevent water penetration to adjoining buildings. Where a watertight basement has been built in ground having high standing water table level, the basement should be filled with material to prevent flotation.
  • All operatives engaged in demolition and supervision should be adequately trained and familiar with the guidance given in BS 6187:2011 Code of Practice for demolition and their responsibilities under Part 1 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
  • Please note: Planning permission may be required pursuant to Section 51(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 ("The TCPA"). You are advised to contact the Local Planning Authority prior to commencement of work.
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