If you had an initial notice submitted to the council by a registered Building Control approver (formally known as "approved inspectors") which was subsequently cancelled, you will need to submit an initial notice reversion application.

When submitting an initial notice reversion application, please ensure that the below is provided:

  • Please note that the fees for this application are individually determined after a site inspection from a surveyor.

Request an initial notice reversion

Fill in our form.

Clock Completing this form takes around 10 minutes.

Paperclip To complete this form, you will need:

  • Kirklees Building Control's application number. (This can be found in any correspondence that you may have received from us regarding the reversion.)
  • Any plans and specifications that you may have.
  • Inspection notes from the registered Building Control approver (if available).
  • Photographs (if available).
  • Location plan-
    • In the case of the erection or extension of a building, an initial notice reversion, shall be accompanied by-
      1. A plan to a scale of not less than 1:1250 showing:
        1. the size and position of the building, or the building as extended, and its relationship to adjoining boundaries;
        2. the boundaries of the curtilage of the building, or the building as extended, and the size, position and use of every other building or proposedFF building within that curtilage;
        3. the width and position of any street on or within the boundaries of the curtilage of the building or the building as extended;

If you require a site location plan you can purchase this on Create Location & Block Plans for Planning & Building Control

Submit an initial notice reversion application

After you have applied

Once the application is deemed 'Valid'. You will receive an email with your application number and a request that payment be made. Once the payment has been made, the application will be registered with ourselves.

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