About your business rates

Non-Domestic Rates, or business rates, collected by local authorities are the way that those who occupy non-domestic property contribute towards the cost of local services. Under the business rates retention arrangements introduced from 1st April 2013, authorities keep a proportion of the business rates paid locally.

The money, together with revenue from council taxpayers, locally generated income, and grants from central government, is used to pay for the services provided by Kirklees council. Further information about the business rates system, may be obtained at GOV UK - Business rates overview.

Business Improvement District (BID) Levy

Business Improvement Districts (BID) are business led partnerships which are created through a ballot process to deliver additional services to local businesses. A Business Improvement District is a defined area in which a levy is charged on all business rate payers in addition to the business rates bill. This levy is used to develop projects which will benefit businesses in the local area.

Further information about the Huddersfield Business Improvement District can be found at Huddersfield BID.

Pay online

You can pay your Business Improvement District Levy on the following options

Huddersfield BID has been extended for a second 5-year term from 1 October 2024.

Changes in circumstances

We could prosecute if you give incorrect information, or do not tell us if your circumstances have changed, and you continue to receive a relief you are not entitled to.

Business rates fraud

Business rates fraud is committed when someone deliberately gives false or misleading information so that they can pay lower or no business rates. It includes:

  • Stating that a property is no longer in use and therefore qualifies for a reduction in rates.
  • Not declaring the location of a business to avoid paying business rates.

You must tell us of any changes to your business and report errors in your rates bill immediately.

Where we have enough evidence and it is in the public interest, we will look to prosecute those found to have committed fraud against the Council.