We love to have your voice involved in developing our services and there are lots of different ways you can do this. You may have suggestions for how we can do things differently or even want to share something that has worked well for you that you feel would benefit others.

Children in Care Council and Care Leaver's Forum

The Children in Care Council and Care Leaver's Forum are ways in which children and young people who are looked after by Kirklees Council can have a say about things that really matter and affect your lives. Whether you live with a foster carer, in a children's home or have recently left care, your ideas can make a big difference.

Take part in fun activities and events that give you and all children and young people who are looked after or who are leaving care a chance to say what is good about living in care and what we can all do to make it better.

The Children in Care Council (aged 12-15) and the Care Leaver's Forum (aged 16-21 or 25 if in higher education) each have a main group of children and young people that meets twice a month to discuss their ideas and plans.