
  • Use this form to let us know about a change of address or to register for Council Tax

Clock Completing this form takes around 10 minutes

Paperclip To complete this form you will need your landlord's details if you were or are now renting a property, solicitors details if you have bought or sold a property and your bank details if you wish to pay by direct debit.

Please do not tell us about a change more than 40 days in advance

Tell Council Tax you have moved


  • Use this form if you are a landlord of a property within the area covered by Kirklees Council and you have had a change of tenancy at one or more of your properties.
  • If you have bought or sold a property, please use the 'Moving' form above.
  • This form is intended to be completed by landlords. If you are completing this form on behalf of a landlord please do not fill in your own details; only the landlord's. You will be required to enter at least a company name or an individual's name for the landlord.

Clock Completing this form takes around 10 minutes

Paperclip To complete this form you will need your tenants' names, moving dates and tenancy dates.

Please do not tell us about a change more than 40 days in advance

Tell us about a change of tenancy
Registering to Vote

After you have informed us of your change, remember to also register to vote at your new address or it may affect your credit rating.

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