Internal users of Kompass
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The map below shows the recorded public rights of way.
Any proposed changes to these recorded routes, as well as proposals to change the record of public rights of way can be viewed by selecting the Map Legend icon found in the top right of the blue bar.
This will show the map key. Any pending public path order and Definitive Map Modification order application routes can be viewed by selecting the appropriate tick box.
To view more information on any of the routes, please click on the coloured lines.
View full screen map
Explanation of the map key
Changes to Definitive Map
Dashed lines indicate routes which may be subject to public path order proposals or definitive map modification order proposals. Clicking on the dashed lines gives a description of the application or issue.
Definitive routes
Solid lines indicate the recorded public rights of way, whilst based upon the Definitive Map, are not the legal document and are for information purposes only. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, which is supplied in good faith, the council will not accept any liability in respect of any loss, damage or injury (financial, contractual or otherwise) sustained as a result or allegedly as a result of reliance thereon.
It is important to note that property boundaries shown on the mapping and data on the Kirklees maps do not relate to land ownership; land ownership queries should be referred to HM Land Registry .
For further interpretation and/or clarification please contact: