Birkenshaw Park play area
About the site
Funding available through the planning process (S106) has been used to enhance the play offer at Birkenshaw Park
The site is located within the heart of Birkenshaw village, and was selected for S106 investment with the aim of providing improved opportunities for play for a wider range of ages and abilities.
Works to improve the play area have now completed on site!
Project overview
The project aimed to make play provision at Birkenshaw Park more appealing, and more accessible, by introducing new natural play features, upgrading traditional play equipment; opening up the site through the removal of fencing and incorporating accessible surfacing, making it easier for our communities to enjoy the fantastic opportunities play can bring.
The improved play design for Birkenshaw Park was created in tandem with a new design for another local site called Birkenshaw Bottoms, located within close proximity to Birkenshaw Park. The two projects were designed in tandem to ensure an exciting and diverse play offer within Birkenshaw.
After engaging with the community on an initial proposal, the design was reviewed and it was agreed with Local Councillors that the following would be implemented on site.
The play area has now been installed on site, and the play value of the site has increased by 165% upon completion of the development!
Contact us
If you would like to contact the team about this project, or another play area in Kirklees please contact:-