Cowcliffe Recreational Ground
About the site
Cowcliffe Recreation Ground is a community park, located in the Ashbrow Ward. Kirklees Council has funding to improve this play area as part of the Kirklees Playable Spaces Strategy.
We aim to make the play provision at this site more appealing, and accessible to all age groups, by incorporating natural play with traditional play equipment, ensuring that our communities can enjoy the fantastic opportunities which play can bring.
Play in the outdoors has the potential to have a large and important role in a child's physical, social, and cognitive development, it is also not reserved solely for children and young people. It should be encouraged at all stages of life, with many additional benefits experienced by individuals and communities.
Project overview
The proposed design will include the following:
- Installation of a new Steel Swing Frame with 2 flat seats and 2 toddler seats
- The removal of bark under the play equipment.
- Installation of a New Multi-unit.
- Installation of new surfacing under the play equipment.
- Existing fencing to be refurbished and retained.
- Installation of new benches with back and arm rests.
Get involved
We want to gather feedback from the local community about the new Cowcliffe Recreational Ground proposed design.
Have your say
Complete our simple online form:
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Comment on Cowcliffe Recreational GroundAfter you've commented
We will then make any amendments to the design that are practicable with the view to implement the final design on site.