About the site

Playable Spaces funding is now available to make improvements to the children's play areas and green space at Crow Lane in Golcar.

We have put together a draft design and would like feedback from local residents on the proposals to ensure they meet local needs.

Crow lane play area plan Crow Lane play area plan

Project overview

The new design proposes to:-

  • Install new equipment, improve footpaths and landscaping around and through the site
  • Improve accessibility with work to gates and railings
  • Resurfacing the ball court and replacing the current high fencing

Following a public consultation, and discussion with local councillors it was agreed to move forward with installing this design on site.

Get involved

Public engagement closed on 29 July 2022.

Next steps

The Project Team are now taking steps to appoint a contractor for the construction works. Once a contractor is appointed, a timeframe for the completed works on site will be shared.

Contact us

If you would like to contact the team about this project, or another play area in Kirklees please contact:-

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