About the site

Meltham Road Recreation Ground, Honley, also known as Honley Top Rec, has funding to improve and enhance the play area.

Together with our in-house Landscape Architects and in conjunction with your local Ward Councillors we have created a design which increases the size of the play area and improves accessibility.

Project overview

The design includes:

  • New play equipment including the BLOQX climber, rocket roller, multiplay climbing frame and cantilever basket swing
  • Some existing equipment will be kept and refurbished, this includes the existing climbing frame, roundabout and swings.
  • Full resurfacing of the play area and extension with an accessible, bounded rubber mulch safety surface to replace the existing bark.
  • The fencing around the play area is being removed to increase the amount of play space. It will be reused to create a gated entrance and exit at the entry point nearest to the play area.
  • A mound will be added in between the play area and the side of the football pitch to provide separation.
  • Existing benches are being retained, and a new bin provided.

Next steps

The survey has closed. Officers are reviewing your feedback and will strive to make changes where practicable.

Contact us

If you would like to contact the team about this project, or another play area in Kirklees please contact: Email

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