Primrose Hill play area
About the site
With support from your local councillors, and an initial consultation we have created a design for the site that aims to make the play provision at this site more appealing, and accessible to all age groups, by incorporating natural play with traditional play equipment.
Using feedback from an initial consultation (link the primrose hill report) with local park users, we created the following design:
Project overview
We aim to make the play provision at this site more appealing, and accessible to all age groups, by incorporating natural play with traditional play equipment. This is part of our Playable Spaces programme of work.
The new design includes:
- The refurbishment of the existing climbing unit, slide and swings.
- Junior Castle climbing unit.
- Introduction of boulders for informal seating and climbing.
- Grass and shrub planting with logs to create a green river encouraging connections with nature.
- New tree planting.
- Additional bin.
A secondary consultation, focused on the new design has taken place and due to the results being generally positive and supportive towards the design, it will be taken forward into construction on site.
Next steps
The Project Team are currently in the process of procuring and appointing a contractor to complete the works on site. A timeline for completion will be available upon contractor appointment.
Contact us
If you would like to contact the team about this project, or another play area in Kirklees please contact:-