Buy a grave, garden of rest plot or sanctum
We can help you choose a cemetery or grave by advising on the types and availability of graves, and any conditions that apply to them, such as their suitability for memorials.
In some cemeteries the plots are allocated as the next available plot.
All graves or garden of rest plots are sold on a 50-year lease. Sanctums are sold on a 20-year lease.
It is the deed holder's responsibility to contact Bereavement Services once the lease expires.
Additional years are not available to purchase at the moment.
Fees and charges
1. Confirm a suitable plot is available
Contact Bereavement Services to confirm a suitable plot is available.
If you wish to meet with a registrar for an accompanied appointment to choose a grave there is an extra fee of £83.
Once you have a suitable grave or plot then fill in the form to buy it.
2. Purchase a grave, garden of rest plot or sanctum
Download the form and send to us with your payment
Clock Completing this form takes around 5 minutes.
Paperclip You must have already confirmed a grave or plot is available.
Download formAfter you've told us
If requested we will arrange to take your payment over the phone.
We will send you the deed for your plot.