Please contact our register offices if you are unable to locate the information you require

It is a difficult time for everyone when a stillbirth occurs, staff at the Kirklees Registration Service are here to help you and make the process of registering the stillbirth as simple and easy as possible.

Registration of a stillborn child gives you the opportunity to have your child officially acknowledged, to give your baby a name if you wish to, and to have a funeral for the baby.

Registering a stillbirth

You must book an appointment to register a stillbirth.

A stillborn child is legally defined as a child born after the 24th week of pregnancy who did not show any signs of life at the birth.

Stillbirths should normally be registered within 42 days.

If you are registering a stillbirth which occurred outside Kirklees we send the details to the district where it occurred. They are responsible for issuing a death certificate and paperwork for the funeral.


There is no cost to register a stillbirth

Book an appointment to register a stillbirth

Paperclip You must have the medical certificate of stillbirth issued by the doctor or midwife.

After you've booked

You will have a date, time and location to attend to register the stillbirth.

At your appointment

What happens

You will register the stillbirth.

You may buy a death certificate for £12.50. Due to the sensitive nature of stillbirth registrations only a child's mother or father (if the father's details are included in the entry) can obtain a copy.

Who should attend


  • If the child's parents were married to each other at the time of the stillbirth or conception, either parent can attend to register
  • If the parents are not married, the mother can attend alone, but only the child's and the mother's details can be entered to the register
  • When parents are not married, and the father's details are to be entered in the registration:
    • both parents can attend together
    • or the mother can attend alone, with a Statutory Declaration made out by the father acknowledging his paternity
    • or the father can attend alone, with a Statutory Declaration made out by the mother acknowledging his paternity

If the father's details are not entered to the register, you may be able to re-register the stillbirth at a later date to include his details.

If the parents can't attend

A stillbirth can be registered by:

  • or an occupier of the house or hospital where the stillbirth took place;
  • or someone who was present at the stillbirth
  • or someone who is responsible for the stillborn child
  • or the person who found the stillborn child

What to bring

  • Date and place of stillbirth
  • Forename(s) and surname, if the parents wish to name the child
  • Sex of child

Father (where his details are being entered)

  • Forename(s) and surname
  • Date and place of birth
  • Occupation at the time of the stillbirth or last occupation if unemployed


  • Forename(s) and surname
  • Maiden name if the mother is, or has been, married
  • Date and place of birth
  • Occupation at the time of the stillbirth (or last occupation if mother wishes to record an occupation)
  • Usual address at the date of the stillbirth
  • Date of marriage, if married to the child's father at the time of the stillbirth
  • Number of previous children by the present and/or former husband

Support organisations

The following organisations give support and advice:

Register offices

In Kirklees there are two register offices one in Huddersfield and the other in Dewsbury. See Register offices for contact details and directions.

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