Explore the future of Learning Disability Supported Living schemes provided by the Council
Case ID: IIA-532240088
Date of assessment: 17/07/2023 14:17:44
Lead officer: Julie Uttley
Strategic directorate: Adults & Health
Directorate: Learning Disabilities & Mental Health
Service: In-House Provision
What is being assessed: Removal of a service
Outline of the proposal and the overall aims/purposes:Proposed review of Supported Living service provided through Brighton Court and Wilton Terrace, and withdrawal of Council as a provider of Supported Living services at The Mews
Who does this proposal impact upon: Employees and residents
Does this proposal concern health care, education or housing: yes
What wards will be affected by this proposal: All
Kirklees area profiles,Kirklees joint strategic assessment,Other - Service intelligence based on current and historical service users of supported living services - Commissioning intelligence to understand volume, demand and levels of need - wider market data to understand supported living and other service offers across KirkleesComments in relation to intelligence and insight considered:
Enhanced understanding of the service offer, level of needs etc
To what extent were Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) aims considered: Fully
Comments in relation to how PSED aims were considered:Through completing this IIA
Does the proposal include residents/service users accessing information or a service from the council: yes
Details why residents/service users access has not been considered:Does this project involve making a planning application: No
Did this proposal require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) completing: No
Were any groups consulted: yes
Details of consultation:planning to consult fully and meaningfully with residents / families / staff and other key stakeholders (including housing providers who manage the tenancy arrangements for service users)Summary of action plan including how negative impacts were mitigated:
Equality, diversity and inclusion - Protected characteristics
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Level of impact: High
Type of impact: Negative
All service users that are resident in these facilities are classed as disabled (learning disability). The proposals will have a high negative impact on service users/residents - this includes uncertainty about the future, elevated levels of worry which may lead to crisis. These impacts will be managed through the support offer via each team, and through careful consideration of the comms shared with residents. We will also respect the views of some of the families who have strongly requested, in the interest of their loved ones, that no comms about the changes are shared with their loved one until formal decisions about the future of services are decided by Cabinet
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Level of impact: High
Type of impact: Negative
The majority of employees are low paid workers they also may be the sole source of income in their household. The Council will where possible protect against any job losses and compulsory redundancies
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
no impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Level of impact: High
Type of impact: Negative
possible trauma of having to find an alternative placement for their relative and potentially higher travelling costs
Access to services
Type of impact: Neutral
families and carers will liaise with assessors directly
Type of impact: Neutral
not applicable
Type of impact: Neutral
not applicable
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Does this proposal affect an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA): No
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Does this proposal include changes to a location within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), local wildlife sites or green belt: No
Will the proposal be impacted by climate change: No
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
To what extent was reducing the amount of waste created in the first place been considered: Not at all
Details, information or evidence in relation to waste reduction: No impact
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact
Does this proposal involve the installation or use of a private water supply: No
Type of impact: Neutral
No impact