Damp, mould and condensation service to residents of council homes
Case ID: IIA-560997457
Date of assessment: 10/11/2023 08:30:23
Lead officer: Hannah Elliott
Strategic directorate: Growth & Regeneration
Directorate: Homes & Neighbourhoods
Service: Asset Management
What is being assessed: Changing a service
Outline of the proposal and the overall aims/purposes:Works and treatments relating to damp, mould and condensation for council homes have historically been provided by an external contractor. The delivery model had diagnosis of problems and issues carried out some considerable time after the first report was received. There were also issues with the communication with residents throughout the process that needed to be improved. The new approach puts diagnosis at the very front end of the reporting and resolution process and aims to provide good communication and enagement with residents.
Who does this proposal impact upon: Residents
Does this proposal concern health care, education or housing: yes
What wards will be affected by this proposal: All
NoneComments in relation to intelligence and insight considered:
At present the intelligence required cannot be incoporated into the assessment model. Going forward intelligence on health and inequality will be incorporated into the approach to responding to damp, mould and condensation and dealing with the underlying causes.
To what extent were Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) aims considered: To some extent
Comments in relation to how PSED aims were considered:The changes do not impact on relationships between people. The changes support improvements to the housing and health of residents of council homes.
Does the proposal include residents/service users accessing information or a service from the council: yes
Details why residents/service users access has not been considered:Does this project involve making a planning application: No
Did this proposal require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) completing: No
Were any groups consulted: yes
Details of consultation:The design of the new approach was developed in consultation with residents who had experience of the service. A review of the effectiveness of the new model will be carried out after 6 months of operations and will involve residents and other stakeholders.Summary of action plan including how negative impacts were mitigated:
Equality, diversity and inclusion - Protected characteristics
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Positive
The proposals should positively impact all residents living in council homes where there are problems with damp, mould and condensation. They will provide prompt diagnosis of problems in homes and incorporate information on the vulnerabilities of residents to understand risk and ensure responses are adequately and appropriately prioritised. They also support better engagement and communication with residents about problems in their homes and how the council is responding to these.
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Positive
The proposals should positively impact all residents living in council homes where there are problems with damp, mould and condensation. They will provide prompt diagnosis of problems in homes and incorporate information on the vulnerabilities of residents to understand risk and ensure responses are adequately and appropriately prioritised. They also support better engagement and communication with residents about problems in their homes and how the council is responding to these.
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Positive
The proposals should positively impact all residents living in council homes where there are problems with damp, mould and condensation. They will provide prompt diagnosis of problems in homes and incorporate information on the vulnerabilities of residents to understand risk and ensure responses are adequately and appropriately prioritised. They also support better engagement and communication with residents about problems in their homes and how the council is responding to these.
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Positive
The proposals should positively impact all residents living in council homes where there are problems with damp, mould and condensation. They will provide prompt diagnosis of problems in homes and incorporate information on the vulnerabilities of residents to understand risk and ensure responses are adequately and appropriately prioritised. They also support better engagement and communication with residents about problems in their homes and how the council is responding to these.
Type of impact: Neutral
Does not impact on Gypsy, Roma or Traveller communities unless they are resident in a council home.
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Positive
The proposals should positively impact all residents living in council homes where there are problems with damp, mould and condensation. They will provide prompt diagnosis of problems in homes and incorporate information on the vulnerabilities of residents to understand risk and ensure responses are adequately and appropriately prioritised. They also support better engagement and communication with residents about problems in their homes and how the council is responding to these.
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Positive
The proposals should positively impact all residents living in council homes where there are problems with damp, mould and condensation. They will provide prompt diagnosis of problems in homes and incorporate information on the vulnerabilities of residents to understand risk and ensure responses are adequately and appropriately prioritised. They also support better engagement and communication with residents about problems in their homes and how the council is responding to these.
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Positive
The proposals should positively impact all residents living in council homes where there are problems with damp, mould and condensation. They will provide prompt diagnosis of problems in homes and incorporate information on the vulnerabilities of residents to understand risk and ensure responses are adequately and appropriately prioritised. They also support better engagement and communication with residents about problems in their homes and how the council is responding to these.
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Positive
The proposals should positively impact all residents living in council homes where there are problems with damp, mould and condensation. They will provide prompt diagnosis of problems in homes and incorporate information on the vulnerabilities of residents to understand risk and ensure responses are adequately and appropriately prioritised. They also support better engagement and communication with residents about problems in their homes and how the council is responding to these.
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Positive
The proposals should positively impact all residents living in council homes where there are problems with damp, mould and condensation. They will provide prompt diagnosis of problems in homes and incorporate information on the vulnerabilities of residents to understand risk and ensure responses are adequately and appropriately prioritised. They also support better engagement and communication with residents about problems in their homes and how the council is responding to these.
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Positive
The proposals should positively impact all residents living in council homes where there are problems with damp, mould and condensation. They will provide prompt diagnosis of problems in homes and incorporate information on the vulnerabilities of residents to understand risk and ensure responses are adequately and appropriately prioritised. They also support better engagement and communication with residents about problems in their homes and how the council is responding to these.
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Positive
The proposals should positively impact all residents living in council homes where there are problems with damp, mould and condensation. They will provide prompt diagnosis of problems in homes and incorporate information on the vulnerabilities of residents to understand risk and ensure responses are adequately and appropriately prioritised. They also support better engagement and communication with residents about problems in their homes and how the council is responding to these.
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Positive
The proposals should positively impact all residents living in council homes where there are problems with damp, mould and condensation. They will provide prompt diagnosis of problems in homes and incorporate information on the vulnerabilities of residents to understand risk and ensure responses are adequately and appropriately prioritised. They also support better engagement and communication with residents about problems in their homes and how the council is responding to these.
Access to services
Level of impact: Medium
Type of impact: Positive
The changes have improved the way cases are reported online and enables residents to provide more and better information than previously. The changes included the implementation of a single point of contact for damp, mould and condensation to provide better communication with and support to residents. The approach also includes improved training for frontline staff to help them to recognise issues when speaking to or visitng residents in their homes and to know how to report these effectively.
Level of impact: Medium
Type of impact: Positive
The introduction of new processes and systems means that jobs will have management and oversight through to completion in a way they did not previously. The systems in place capture information that was not previously recorded on what residents have told us about their situation and support better case management as officers can see all of the history and relevant information in one place so residents do not need to tell us something more than once.
Level of impact: Medium
Type of impact: Positive
The new approach includes training for frontline staff on damp, mould and condensation, how to support residents and how to report issues. This supports improved staff knowledge and confidence in understanding issues, how to take them forward and who they need to contact for support and assistance.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposals do not result in any changes that affect air quality.
Does this proposal affect an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA): No
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposals do not result in any changes that affect biodiversity or nature
Does this proposal include changes to a location within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), local wildlife sites or green belt: No
Will the proposal be impacted by climate change: No
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Positive
For those homes that are historic or heritage assets, the proposals will ensure prompter resolution of issues affecting the building condition and structure
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposals do not result in any changes that affect greenhouse gas emissions.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposals do not result in any changes that affect light pollution
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposals do not result in any changes that affect noise pollution
Type of impact: Neutral
Proposals do not change waste created
To what extent was reducing the amount of waste created in the first place been considered: To some extent
Details, information or evidence in relation to waste reduction: The proposals do not change waste creation from that previously.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposals do not result in any changes that affect water quality.
Does this proposal involve the installation or use of a private water supply: No
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposals do not result in any changes that affect water usage.