Asset Strategy - Council Housing
Case ID: IIA-579509413
Date of assessment: 22/01/2024 18:38:56
Lead officer: Hannah Elliott
Strategic directorate: Growth & Regeneration
Directorate: Homes & Neighbourhoods
Service: Asset Management
What is being assessed: A policy
Outline of the proposal and the overall aims/purposes:The proposal is for the implementation of an Asset Strategy for Council Housing that sets out a framework for prioritising investment in homes and changes to services to support improved asset management and resident engagement.
Who does this proposal impact upon: Residents
Does this proposal concern health care, education or housing: yes
What wards will be affected by this proposal: All
Other Data on the investment needs of council housing. Data on spend and activity on repair and maintenance of council housing.Comments in relation to intelligence and insight considered:
The data has informed strategy development that supports investment in homes in the right areas and recognises where improvements are needed to support efficient and effective service delivery.
To what extent were Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) aims considered: Fully
Comments in relation to how PSED aims were considered:The strategy aims to improve council neighbourhoods and support the strengthening of community ownership of spaces. The strategy aims to provide equality of for all council tenants in relation to the condition and suitability of their home.
Does the proposal include residents/service users accessing information or a service from the council: yes
Details why residents/service users access has not been considered:Does this project involve making a planning application: No
Did this proposal require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) completing: No
Were any groups consulted: no
Details of consultation: Summary of action plan including how negative impacts were mitigated:Equality, diversity and inclusion - Protected characteristics
Level of impact: Medium
Type of impact: Positive
The strategy will support improved access to services and the design of services that takes into account the affect age has on the health and vulnerabilities of residents in relation to their homes.
Level of impact: Medium
Type of impact: Positive
The strategy sets out priorities and a framework for improving asset management of Council housing. Delivery of the actions within the strategy will support investment in homes which improves their condition and quality. It also aims to improve the way services are designed through engagement with residents. Resident engagement will help ensure that the impact of services on different representative groups is understood and that service delivery addresses different needs and requirements.
Level of impact: Medium
Type of impact: Positive
The strategy sets out priorities and a framework for improving asset management of Council housing. Delivery of the actions within the strategy will support investment in homes which improves their condition and quality. The delivery of improvement works to homes seeks to make them fit for the future with work specification encompassing wider needs such as homes for life, accessible homes and improved communal and estate layouts.
Type of impact: Neutral
The strategy sets out priorities and a framework for improving asset management of Council housing. Delivery of the actions within the strategy will support investment in homes which improves their condition and quality. The strategy does not appear to directly impact on people who identify as a different gender to their assigned biological sex. As individual projects and actions from the strategy are taken forward, the impact on gender identification and assignment will be reassessed.
Type of impact: Neutral
No impacts have currently been identified on those from Gypsy, Roma or Traveller communities.
Type of impact: Neutral
The strategy sets out priorities and a framework for improving asset management of Council housing. No specific impacts on residents on the basis of sex have been identified. As projects and actions needed to deliver the strategy are progressed, the impacts on residents on the basis of sex will be re-evaluated.
Level of impact: Medium
Type of impact: Positive
The strategy supports improvements to homes to improve the energy performance of homes, which should reduce energy demands and the cost to residents. The strategy will help ensure improvements to void turnaround times, making homes available to those in need more quickly.
Type of impact: Neutral
No impacts on residents on the basis of marital status have currently been identified.
Type of impact: Neutral
No impacts on residents on the basis of sexual orientation have currently been identified.
Level of impact: Medium
Type of impact: Positive
The strategy sets out priorities and a framework for improving asset management of Council housing. Delivery of the actions within the strategy will support investment in homes which improves their condition and quality. Improvements to the quality of homes will support the health and wellbeing of residents.
Type of impact: Neutral
No impacts have currently been identified in relation to members of the armed forces.
Type of impact: Neutral
No impacts on residents on the basis of religion or belief have currently been identified.
Type of impact: Neutral
No impacts have currently been identified to unpaid carers.
Access to services
Level of impact: Medium
Type of impact: Positive
The strategy aims to improve the number and type of ways residents can contact the council.
Level of impact: High
Type of impact: Positive
The strategy sets out priorities for improvement of services and the management of information that provides greater integration and seeks to design around service user journeys.
Level of impact: Medium
Type of impact: Positive
Through process redesign and the provision of clarity on roles and responsibilities staff will be empowered to own and resolve issues as early as possible.
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Negative
The strategy looks to increase the amount of work being undertaken on council housing and could result in increased emissions from travel and construction sites. The impact on air quality has not been quantified and further work is required to understand this impact.
Does this proposal affect an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA): Yes
No discussions held. The strategy affects the whole borough and so willimpact on AQMAs. Individual projects and proposals for works to housing in AQMAs will assess the impact of proposals on air quality and engagement will take place as appropriate.
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Positive
The strategy supports investment in improvements to landscaping and communal areas on estates. Proposals for individual schemes look to enhance biodiversity and encourage community ownership and use of spaces for growing etc.
Does this proposal include changes to a location within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), local wildlife sites or green belt: No
Will the proposal be impacted by climate change: Yes
The strategy supports the development of a fabric first approach to retrofitting homes and looks to integrate capital plans and programmes so that investment ensures they are fit for the future. Options for schemes and specifications will be developed so that they address the impacts of climate change - e.g. through improved u-values to windows and walls and reducing reliance on carbon intensive energy sources. The strategy also sets out an approach to data that will help to see where the impacts of climate change are being felt and this information will be used to support programme development.
The strategy supports the development of a fabric first approach to retrofitting homes and looks to integrate capital plans and programmes so that investment ensures they are fit for the future. Options for schemes and specifications will be developed so that they address the impacts of climate change - e.g. through improved u-values to windows and walls and reducing reliance on carbon intensive energy sources. The strategy also sets out an approach to data that will help to see where the impacts of climate change are being felt and this information will be used to support programme development.
Type of impact: Neutral
A small number of council housing properties are historic buildings or have an impact on the historic environment. Where historic buildings or environments are affected proposals for individual schemes will be developed to reflect planning policies and best practice and engagement with planners will take place.
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Positive
The strategy takes a fabric first approach to improving the energy efficiency of council housing which will reduce the carbon emissions from this element of the councils estate. A carbon reduction strategy and roadmap will be produced in 2024 which will set out the details of the approach to be taken and the likely impact of this. Pilot projects will be used to understand the impact of works on the emission of greenhouse gases.
Type of impact: Neutral
Individual schemes delivered through capital investment plans may change the light in external and communal areas. All schemes will be designed to take account of the impact of light on residents and the night sky.
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Negative
The delivery of capital investment schemes creates noise. Increasing numbers of schemes will be developed to support delivery of the strategy and could create noise nuisance if not properly managed. Appropriate restrictions and requirements will be placed on schemes to minimise and manage noise pollution and its impact on local residents.
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Negative
Increased investment in council housing could result in greater volumes of waste and recycl. The use of pilot projects to understand and quanitfy the impact of projects on waste and resouce efficiency is needed to be able to set out actual impacts and improve approaches to reduce waste and increase recycling and resuse.
To what extent was reducing the amount of waste created in the first place been considered: To some extent
Details, information or evidence in relation to waste reduction: The strategy supports investment programmes to improve council housing which will renew building components and create waste and recycling outputs.The specification of new products will look at their lifecycle and ability to be recycled or resused. Materials and components that are removed will be sent for recycling where possible. Pilot schemes will be used to assess and understand the impact of removal of old and redundant building components and how improvements can be made to the rates at which they are reused and recycled.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposals are not currently expected to impact on water quality.
Does this proposal involve the installation or use of a private water supply: No
Level of impact: Low
Type of impact: Positive
The strategy incorporates the delivery of capital improvement programmes to homes. Specifications for new installations will ensure they are more modern and efficient and reduce water consumption (e.g. toilets with low-flush volumes).