Fire Safety Management Plan for Council Housing
Case ID: IIA-580258221
Date of assessment: 29/01/2024 08:35:40
Lead officer: Hannah Elliott
Strategic directorate: Growth & Regeneration
Directorate: Homes & Neighbourhoods
Service: Building Safety
What is being assessed: A policy
Outline of the proposal and the overall aims/purposes:A Fire Safety Management Plan has been developed for adoption to provide detailed guidance and procedures to support the delivery of the Homes and Neighbourhoods Fire Safety Policy and to ensure the Council complies with its statutory duties.
Who does this proposal impact upon: Employees and residents
Does this proposal concern health care, education or housing: yes
What wards will be affected by this proposal: All
NoneComments in relation to intelligence and insight considered:
The Fire Safety Management Plan has been developed based on legal requirements and duties and where appropriate, best practice. The use of other intelligence and insight is not deemed appropriate.
To what extent were Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) aims considered: To some extent
Comments in relation to how PSED aims were considered:The proposal sets out details of how resident engagement takes place in relation to fire safety. Engagement is tailored to the individual and encourages them to participate in public life. The proposal helps to minimise disadvantages to those with disabillties in relation to their safety in their home and in emergency situations.
Does the proposal include residents/service users accessing information or a service from the council: yes
Details why residents/service users access has not been considered:Does this project involve making a planning application: No
Did this proposal require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) completing: No
Were any groups consulted: no
Details of consultation: Summary of action plan including how negative impacts were mitigated:Equality, diversity and inclusion - Protected characteristics
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly affect employees on the basis of age.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact individuals on the basis of age.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact on employees in relation to their race
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact on residents in relation to their race.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact on employees in relation to disabilities.
Level of impact: Medium
Type of impact: Positive
The Fire Safety Management Plan will help to ensure legal compliance and best practice in the management of fire safety in council housing. The plan will ensure that working practices are safe and legal protecting the health and safety of the workforce and residents. The Plan enables the development and implementation of consistent operational processes, improving service delivery to residents. The plan will help to ensure that fire safety warnings and evacuation procedures take account of the individual needs of disabled residents through Person Centred Fire Risk Assessments and Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does directly impact on employees in relation to gender reassignment.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does directly impact on residents in relation to gender reassignment.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact individuals from Gypsy, Roma or Traveller communities.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact individuals from Gypsy, Roma or Traveller communities.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact individuals on the basis of sex.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact individuals on the basis of sex.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact individuals on the basis of income.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact individuals on the basis of income.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact individuals on the basis of marital or civil partnership status.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact individuals on the basis of marital or civil partnership status.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact individuals on the basis of different sexual orientation.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact individuals on the basis of different sexual orientation.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly affect employees in relation to pregnancy or maternity. THe proposal does help to ensure that the organisation complies with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact on residents in relation to pregnancy and maternity.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact employees who are members of the armed forces community.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact residents who are members of the armed forces community.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact individuals on the basis of religion or belief
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact individuals on the basis of religion or belief
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact individuals who are unpaid carers.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly impact individuals who are unpaid carers.
Access to services
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does ensure that information is shared with residents but does not directly affect the choice/use of different channels. As processes and procedures are developed to support the proposal, these will look at the impact on the choice of channels available.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal does not directly affect the need for contact with the council by residents.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal sets out clear guidance on how staff need to work to ensure legal compliance. The Plan along with operational guidance will enable staff to understand their roles and responsibilities and Council policy and help them to understand what they are able to do to resolve issues at the first point of contact.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposal will not directly affect air quality
Does this proposal affect an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA): No
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposals will not affect biodiversity or nature
Does this proposal include changes to a location within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), local wildlife sites or green belt: No
Will the proposal be impacted by climate change: No
Type of impact: Neutral
Where works are required arising from the proposals, and these are in historic buildings, they will be specified and managed to ensure they do not adversely impact.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposals will not directly affect greenhouse gas emissions
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposals will not result in light pollution. The proposals may result in the installation of emergency lighting but this will be specified in a way that is sensitive to residents.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposals will not result in additional noise generation.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposals may result in additional recycling being created - due to works requirements stemming from the Management Plan. Works arising must be undertaken and as yet this cannot be quantified. As more data nad intelligence becomes available, the impact on recycling and waste will be revisited.
To what extent was reducing the amount of waste created in the first place been considered: Not at all
Details, information or evidence in relation to waste reduction: The proposals set out requirements for fire safety management to ensure legal compliance. They may impact on waste and recycling rates when actions require building works to be undertaken, however, until more data is available on works required and associated waste creation it is not possible to consider how this might be reduced.
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposals will not affect water consumption or conservation
Does this proposal involve the installation or use of a private water supply: No
Type of impact: Neutral
The proposals will not directly affect water usage