The Greenspace Action Team are currently experiencing a high volume of reports and will prioritise fly-tipping which poses a health and safety risk or obstruction to the highway. All other reports will be cleared as soon as practicable.

Flytipping is the illegal deposit of any waste onto land that does not have a licence to accept it.

Kirklees Council will take enforcement action against the perpetrators of flytipping where there is enough evidence. This can be on private or council-owned land.

Evidence can include seeing somebody dump waste or CCTV showing waste being dumped, or there may be potential evidence in the waste.

We can issue a fine (called a fixed penalty ticket) or prosecute in a Magistrate Court for flytipping offences.

When flytipping is on private land it is the responsibility of the landowner to clear the waste appropriately.

If you use a third party to dispose of the waste then you must ensure that they hold a valid waste carriers licence. Check the Register of waste carriers, brokers and dealers

How to report flytipping

Fill in our simple online form.

Clock Completing this form takes around 5 minutes

Report online

After you have reported it

If you provide your email address, you will:

  • receive an email confirmation of your report
  • receive an update about what has been done once action has been taken.

When fly-tipping be cleared

  • Fly-tipping which is causing health and safety risks, or obstructions to the highway is cleared as soon as practicable.
  • All other reports on public land can take up to 12 weeks to clear.
  • Reports on private land can take longer to clear as our teams have to work with the landowner responsible.
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