If you enjoy swimming, or want to get into it, there are plenty of pools in Kirklees. There are activities for adults, children and young people as well as swimming health clubs.
Swimming pools and timetables
Swimming pools are run by Kirklees Active Leisure . Find out which pool is closest to you and what time you can attend.
Flexi Card
A Flexi card gives you discount of up to 20% off KAL (Kirklees Active Leisure) activities.
How to apply for a Flexi Card
Clock Completing this form takes around 10 minutes
The card costs £2.50 online or £5.00 in the centre.
Apply for a Flexi CardAfter you've applied
You can pick your Flexi card up from your local centre.
Clubs, activities and organisations
- KAL Swim Academy
Activities for juniors and adults, swimming lessons, Swimfit fitness courses and more at swimming pools in Kirklees. - Local swimming organisations
Includes amateur swimming associations, watersports and swimming health clubs. - Swimming.org
National information about swimming and aquatic activities including careers.
Kirklees Active Leisure (KAL) Mobile App
The KAL Mobile app has been specifically designed for mobile phones, enabling quick and simple access to the information you need, when you need it. The app makes it easy to view the latest timetable information and book online, plus much more.