Before you apply for all Kirklees Council funding schemes

Non-profit making voluntary and community groups must Register with the Grants Access Point GAP before they can apply for all Kirklees Council funding schemes.

We review key documents and give you feedback on governance and management arrangements. GAP registration lasts for 3 years.

Grants and schemes available

Members Ward Budget

Members Ward Budget

The Members Local Project Fund is a ward budget that councillors can allocate to address specific local issues and priorities. Councillors make decisions on how this is spent, based on their local knowledge and engagement with ward residents. Community and voluntary groups who would like to find out more about this funding should contact the Active Citizens and Places Team for further information and advice.

Active Citizens and Places Team

Safe and Inclusive Community Fund (SIC Fund)

This grant scheme will invest in community activities delivered by individuals and community organisations in the Kirklees Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE), education and faith sectors to enable a range of projects that help deliver outcomes for people and communities. The grant scheme will fund work that is part of the Kirklees Communities Partnership Plan 2022-2027 Kirklees Communities Partnership Plan

The Safe and Inclusive Community Fund will be available in a variety of different rounds that will have a specific focus on a theme or priority. Each will be based on a clear set of objectives such as:

  • Tackling violence, abuse and exploitation - domestic abuse, exploitation including slavery, violence.
  • Reduce anti-social behaviour (ASB) and neighbourhood crime.
  • Building resilient communities - hate crime, Prevent, asylum and refugee resettlement, inclusive communities.
  • Reducing risk - road safety, drugs, and alcohol, reducing re-offending, water safety.
  • Other - meeting local need as directed by the funder, for example the Violence Reduction Unit or the Home Office.

Each round of funding will help to build collaboration, partnership and relationships between the Council, community organisations in the Kirklees Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE), education and faith sectors and people in communities, learning what works best whilst achieving the best outcomes for everyone involved. Each grant round will be available for a specific timeframe in order for you to apply, with a clear set of priorities and outcomes.

Applicants must be willing to engage in ongoing collaboration with Communities Services and other partners to achieve the best outcomes for individuals and communities in Kirklees and adhere to the Council's Standard Conditions of Grant.

Before you can apply for over £1,000, you must be registered with the Council's Grant Access Point.

Apply for funding

The current round for the Safe and Inclusive Communities grant is now closed.

Zero Waste Community Grant

Applications have now closed

Applications for the Zero Waste Community Grant have now closed.

You will be notified if you have been successful in June 2024. If you are successful, your grant will be paid in July 2024.

The Zero Waste Community Grant will provide funds of up to £1,000 in 2024 to local community groups and small businesses for waste reduction initiatives.

Aims of the Zero Waste Community Grant

  • Meet the 2021-30 Kirklees Resources and Waste Strategy pledge to develop and introduce a community reward scheme that gives back to communities and is for the benefit of the local economy, environment, and wellbeing. Find out more at Resources and Waste Strategy 2021-2030
  • Create a partnership of support that encourages communities and businesses to develop or expand initiatives that reduce waste and add to a more sustainable and circular economy.
  • Help to deliver the Council's ambition to achieve a clean, green, sustainable future for Kirklees.

What the Zero Waste Community Grant can fund

The grant is a one-off payment that aims to support initiatives that have an identifiable and demonstratable outcome and that focus on the following types of activities:

  • Recycling
  • Reuse
  • Repair
  • Waste minimisation
  • Promoting a circular economy

The grant can be used to help set up new projects, schemes and initiatives; or it can be used to expand existing projects, schemes and initiatives.

The grant can help with these types of costs:

  • Capital item purchases
  • Room or venue hire
  • Facilitator or project-related sessional worker costs (where they are linked 100% to the funded activity)
  • Equipment hire
  • Other one-off costs to help with your endeavour

Application submission deadline

The grant is now open for applications and will close on the 20 April 2024 at 6pm. For more information, please see Zero Waste Community Grant

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