This tool uses data on alcohol-related outcomes to give a picture of the current health and wellbeing of a local area in relation to alcohol.

Who the toolkit is for and what it can be used for

The tool can be used by anyone who is interested in understanding the current health and wellbeing of a local area in relation to alcohol. It is of particular use to statutory consultees who wish to respond to a licensing application, including elected members and local residents.

The data in the tool can be used to help inform responses to licensing applications that include the sale of alcohol. Health is not a licensing objective under current licensing law in England. If you want to use data from the tool to help inform your response to an application, you should link it to one of the four current licensing objectives. These are:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder - ensuring that licensed premises do not contribute to criminal activity.
  • public safety - focusing on safety measures within licensed establishments.
  • the prevention of public nuisance - addressing any disturbances or nuisances caused by licensed activities.
  • the protection of children from harm - safeguarding children from any harm related to licensed premises.

Licensing gives more information on licensing objectives and licensing in Kirklees.

Use the toolkit

Enter your postcode on our online form and search.

Clock Completing this process takes around 5 minutes.

Use the toolkit

After you enter your postcode

This will automatically populate the tool with data for the postcode.

Acronyms, indicators and definitions


Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD): GOV UK: English indices of deprivation 2019

Lower Super Output Area (LSOA): Office of National Statistics: Census geography

Hospital Episode Statistics (HES): NHS Digital England: Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)

Indicators and definitions

IMD score/description

The score of how deprived an LSOA is compared to others. LSOA's are scored from 0 to 100 where 0 is the least deprived Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) and 100 is the most deprived LSOA. To establish a score, 7 distinct domains of deprevation are combined and weighted to form the score. The seven domains and weighting are:

  • Income (22.5%)
  • Employment (22.5%)
  • Health Deprivation and Disability (13.5%)
  • Education/Skills Training (13.5%)
  • Crime (9.3%)
  • Barriers to Housing and Services (9.3%)

The description represents which centile the LSOA falls into. Find out more information at GOV UK: English indices of deprivation 2019 .

Alcohol specific hospital admissions

The measure estimates the number of hospital admissions which are primarily due to alcohol consumption and provides the best indication of trends in alcohol-related hospital admissions. These are admissions where an alcohol-related disease, injury or condition was the primary reason for a hospital admission or an alcohol-related external cause was recorded in a secondary diagnosis field. Find out more information at NHS Digital England: Statistics on alcohol .

Alcoholic liver disease mortality

The measure looks at the deaths from alcoholic liver disease over a specific year directly standardised to a rate per 100,000 people. Find out more information at Department of Health and Social Care Alcohol profile data .

Off licensed premises density (per 1000 population)

The measure incorporates all licensed premises with the Licensing Use (LIUSE) codes for supermarkets, shops and off licences and are calculated to a rate per 1000 of the population. Find out more information at our Licensing policy 2020-2025.

On licensed premises density (per 1000 population)

The measure incorporates all licensed premises with the LIUSE codes for everything other than supermarkets, shops and off licences and are calculated to a rate per 1000 of the population. Find out more information at our Licensing policy 2020-2025.

Anti-social behaviour crimes

The measure counts crimes recorded in Kirklees as anti-social behaviour. Find out more information at West Yorkshire Police: Anti-social behaviour .

Alcohol related crime

The measure counts any type of crime recorded in Kirklees where there has been an alcohol flag added to the incident.

Arrests for driving whilst over the legal limit

The measure counts any arrest of a person with a home address in Kirklees for driving whilst over the legal limit for alcohol intake.

Alcohol and domestic abuse flagged crime

The measure counts any type of crime recorded in Kirklees where there has been an alcohol and domestic abuse flag added to the incident.


Weighted risk score

This helps show how an LSOA compares to the mean (average) of Kirklees for that specific indicator. A score of 100 represents the average for an indicator. A score above 100 indicates above average (worse) and a score below 100 indicates below average (better). The further away from a score of 100, the more 'extreme' the value that indicator is. This is a type of statistical measure called a Z score and this has been used to standardise the data.


The group of indicators used in this tool are not all equally relevant to the four licensing objectives, therefore, a weighting between 1-3 has been added to each indicator. The higher the weighting, the greater the indicators influence on the 'harm ranking'.

  • Score 1: General data or alcohol-related health data is included to 'set the scene' of the wider alcohol-related harm in an area. Evidence demonstrates the data has a broad association with harm from alcohol but is not directly linked to the 4 licensing objectives. Including this data recognises the contextual factors that have an impact on alcohol consumption and alcohol related harm.
  • Score 2: These indicators are directly associated with harm from alcohol and evidence demonstrates direct association with the four licensing objectives.
  • Score 3: These indicators are considered to have the most significant link to harm from alcohol and the four licensing objectives.


This figure is comparing the indicator weighted risk score value for your postcode against others in Kirklees. The data is at Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) level, so the indicator value will be ranked between 1 and 259. The higher the number, the better the indicator value is compared to the rest of Kirklees. This means that there are lower incidences of the indicator in that area. The lower the number, the worse the indicator value is compared to the rest of Kirklees. This means that there a higher number of incidences of the indicator in that area.

Total risk score

This is the mean (average) score from of the weighted risk scores for the particular postcode entered.

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Any questions relating to the use of this tool should be sent to

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