If you are homeless you may be able to stay in a hostel.

You'll need a referral to get into many hostels and night shelters. This means an agency or Kirklees Council Housing Solutions Service will need to contact the hostel on your behalf.

Some hostels and night shelters will let you call them yourself or turn up in person. This is called self-referral.

Hostels in Kirklees accepting referrals
Hostel and contact details Who is it for How to get a bed
Single homeless men and women over 18 Self-referrals, other agencies and Kirklees Housing Solutions
Homeless individuals and families Other agencies and Kirklees Housing Solutions
Single homeless service for people age 16-25 Self-referrals, other agencies and Kirklees Housing Solutions
Young people at risk - ages 16-22 Self-referral
Men over 18 Self-referrals, other agencies and Kirklees Housing Solutions
Emergency accommodation for women and children fleeing domestic abuse. Self-referral
Emergency accommodation for women and children fleeing domestic abuse. Self-referral
Single homeless people aged 16-22. Referral only from Housing Solutions Service.

Search for a hostel

Search homelessness services in England for hostels or night shelters and find out how you can be referred.

Further guidance and support

Contact us

Housing Solutions Service are only available in the libraries between 9am and until the last customer at 4pm, Monday to Friday.

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