Inclusion is one of our Kirklees values - it is at the heart of everything we do and vital to the success and impact of our projects and day-to-day work.

The activities mentioned in this report are a snapshot of the breadth of achievements and impact of some of Kirklees Council's projects, which demonstrate most clearly how we are living our value of inclusion, plus some areas where there is still progress to be made, or where there are more steps the organisation wants to take, to be truly inclusive of all communities across Kirklees.

This report cannot possibly detail everything that is happening across the organisation that relates to inclusion and diversity. Where some projects have not been mentioned, it does not mean to detract from the huge difference to the people who took part in them.

The report covers the elements we are required to report on, in accordance with our Public Sector Equality Duty under the Equality Act 2010, plus some stories of how it feels to work for Kirklees Council, and some great success stories of inclusion-focussed work across the district, demonstrating our commitment and work to address some of the systemic issues adversely impacting our communities across Kirklees.

What you can find in the report

6 multi-cultural hands stacked on top of each other
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