Planning application supporting information and guidance - Trees
For applications to demonstrate that they meet the requirements of Kirklees Local Plan policies, it is a requirement that all planning applications, that may affect trees, are supported by the necessary documents set out in British Standard BS 5837, Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction Recommendations. In circumstances where minor householder applications may affect trees, it may be appropriate to provide a lesser level of information. However, this will be judged on a case by case basis and clarification can be sought through our pre-application service.
On that basis the following documents are required in support of planning applications, all of which should be in accordance with BS 5837:
Detailed/full planning applications:
- A survey of the trees located on, and immediately adjacent to, the site and/or are capable of influencing the proposed site. To include assessment of the condition of the trees and their retention value.
- An Arboricultural Impact Assessment. Which should incorporate a realistic assessment of the probable impact of any proposed development on the trees and vice versa. To include but not limited to; assessments of the factors set out in section 5 of BS 5837; plan overlaying the proposals with tree constraints including shade patterns; evaluation of impact of proposed losses and necessary pruning; draft tree protection plan
- An Arboricultural Method Statement to demonstrate that proposed operations can be undertaken with minimal risk of adverse impact to the trees to be retained. To include, but not limited to, special engineering within root protection areas and other relevant construction details, any site monitoring and a timeline of proposed operations.
- A Tree Protection Plan which is superimposed on to a layout plan based on a topographical survey and tree survey. This should include the precise location of protective barriers, the extent of any ground protection, and additional measures that will be installed to safeguard trees and their root protection areas.
- A schedule of works, to include facilitation pruning and any landscaping details.
- Details of existing and proposed levels.
Outline planning applications:
- Tree survey, as above
- Arboricultural Impact Assessment, as above, with reference to the indicative layout in order to demonstrate that the requested number of units can be accommodated on site.
With outline applications that are submitted with some matters reserved, the documents required for full/detailed planning, listed above, will need to be provided for any matters to be considered in detail that may affect trees. An outline application with access as an example. Advice can be sought through the Council's pre-application service.