Application details

  The period for commenting on this application ended on Saturday 10 June 2023

Application number
Last updated
21 December 2023
D Waterson
749, New Hey Road, Outlane, Huddersfield, HD3 3YL
View application 2023/91173 on a map 
Colne Valley 
Description / Development
Conversion and adaption of an existing Listed barn to form a new dwelling with associated car parking and external works [Listed Building].

Agent details

Fibre Architects Ltd
Buckden Mount, 8, Thornhill Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield, HD3 3AU

Planning department details

Case officer
Katie Chew
18 April 2023
18 April 2023
Statutory consultation start date
19 May 2023
Statutory consultation end date
10 Jun 2023
Public consultation start date
24 April 2023
Public consultation end date
30 May 2023
Initial target date
13 June 2023
Decision date
21 December 2023

Since 1st August 2011 we haven't informed interested parties, objectors or supporters of applications, in writing or by site notice, of the relevant planning committee date.

Plans and drawings

Some documents may have been partially redacted for publication to remove personal details in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Application (1)
Comments (2)
Consultation Responses (8)
Decision (2)
Plans (7)
Superseded Documents (7)
Supporting Information (9)

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Ordnance Survey: © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Kirklees Council. Licence No. 100019241, 2007