The Kirklees Brownfield Land Register (BLR) provides information on brownfield land within the district that is potentially suitable and available for housing-led development.

It includes both council-owned and privately-owned sites.

It is updated annually.

Brownfield land is previously developed land, as defined in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Annex 2: Glossary .

View the Brownfield Land Register

If you have any comments on the suitability or availability of specific sites currently included on the register (for example, if you are the landowner of an included site and your site is no longer available for development), please Contact Planning Policy.

How we have compiled the register

The Brownfield Land Register contains sites that have been submitted to us for consideration for inclusion. It also contains sites previously submitted to us, either as part of an earlier 'call for sites' process (as part of the Local Plan or Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment consultation process), or in the form of an outline or full planning application.

All sites in the BLR comprise at least 0.14ha (hectares) of brownfield land. This represents sufficient land on which to construct five dwellings, at a density of 35 dwellings per hectare. Where only part of a larger site fits the NPPF definition of previously developed land, just that part has been included in the register.

Brownfield Land Register sites and planning permission

The Brownfield Land Register is made up of two parts:

Part 1

  • A list of available brownfield sites considered suitable for the development of five or more dwellings.
  • The inclusion of a site in Part 1 of the register does not grant any sort of planning permission, nor does it mean that planning permission would necessarily be granted on application.

Part 2

  • A list of sites that have been granted planning permission in principle.
  • Before moving sites to Part 2 of the register (and thus granting permission in principle), appropriate local consultation will take place, in line with the BLR regulations.
  • There are currently no sites in Part 2 of the Kirklees Brownfield Land Register.

Permission in principle

This settles the fundamental principles of development (use, location, amount of development). Before proceeding with development, a developer would need to obtain technical details consent.

Submit a site for consideration to include in the Brownfield Land Register

How to submit a site

Fill in the online form.

Clock Completing this form takes around 15 minutes

Paperclip You must be the landowner or have written evidence from the landowner that the site is available for housing-led development.

The site must fit the NPPF definition of previously developed land. Where part of a site fits the definition, only the brownfield area will be considered for inclusion in the register.

The brownfield part of the site must be at least 0.14ha in area.

The development should be achievable within the next 15 years.

To submit a site you must provide an Ordnance Survey based site plan, preferably at a 1:1250 scale or at least 1:2500. This plan should clearly show the site boundary outlined in red.

For consideration to be included in the 2025 Brownfield Land Register, your site must be submitted by 31 October 2025.

Submit a site

After you've submitted a site

Sites submitted will be assessed for suitability for housing-led development and, where appropriate, included in Part 1 of the next annual Brownfield Land Register.

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