Publication Local Plan for consultation, as at October 2018
Main Modifications
Main Modifications are those which the inspector considers are necessary to make the plan sound and/or legally compliant and includes amendments to some site allocations and designations, as well as changes to policy wording and supporting text. Proposed changes to the Kirklees Local Plan Policies Map are included in the soundness consultation on SD2 Kirklees Local Plan Allocations and Designations Main Modifications.
Main Modifications are proposed without prejudice to the inspector's final conclusions on the Local Plan which will take account of all representations submitted in response to this consultation. The inspector will only consider representations made upon the Main Modifications. This is not an opportunity to raise again matters relating to other parts of the submitted plan that have already been considered by the inspector/s during the examination or to identify new modifications.
Additional Modifications
The council is also taking the opportunity to publish some Additional Modifications (minor changes) to provide clarification, corrections, minor up-dates to text and the correction of minor mapping errors to the Policies Map. These changes do not relate to the soundness of the plan and have been published for comment only.
Accompanying documents
To accompany the consultation, the council has also provided a Sustainability Appraisal and Habitat Regulations Assessment. Copies of these reports are available for comment at the request of the inspector.
You can also view the previous versions:
Sustainability Appraisal Addendum (April 2017)
Habitat Regulations Assessment (March 2017)
Read comments on the Proposed Modifications Consultation
This consultation has now closed
Read comments on the consultationWe regret that we are not able to accept general comments sent to us in the body of a letter or an email. These will be returned to you inviting you to resubmit your views on a correctly completed form, or enter them directly into the consultation database.
Where necessary, alternative arrangements can be made for people with disabilities - please contact us if this affects you.
Location | Opening times |
Huddersfield Customer Service Centre Civic Centre 3, Huddersfield HD1 2TG |
Mon-Wed and Fri 9:00am to 5:00pm Thurs 10:00am to 5:00pm |
Dewsbury Customer Service Centre The Walsh Building, Town Hall Way, Dewsbury WF12 8EE |
Mon-Thurs, 9:00am to 5:00pm Fri 10am to 5pm |
Location | Time |
Huddersfield Town Hall Reception Room Huddersfield Town Hall, Corporation St, Huddersfield HD1 2TA |
3rd September 2018, 12 - 8pm |
Dewsbury Town Hall Reception Room Dewsbury Town Hall, Wakefield Old Road, Dewsbury, WF12 8DG |
10th September 2018, 12 - 8pm |