Search for common land and village greens
To find out if land is common land or a town or village green you can either:
- do a simple search on a map, or
- inspect the registers to find out the full history behind the registration and any amendments to the land's status.
Simple search : find common land or town or village greens on a map
If you are buying or leasing land, this is sufficient to find out if it is affected by common land or a town or village green.
Ask your solicitor to raise the question on your local authority search.
If you would like to search the map yourself, we have a public access PC which you can use free of charge. It is available on a first come, first served basis between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday (10am on Thursdays) at:
- Huddersfield Library
- Address Civic Centre 3, High Street, Huddersfield, HD1 2TG
Complex search: Search the registers
These are statutory registers which are available for inspection during normal office hours. Please make an appointment to view them well in advance of your planned visit.
You can find out:
- boundaries, the date it became common land or a village green, and who registered it.
- who has common rights over the land and what those rights are.
- Who owns the land (if registered).
Book an appointment to inspect the registers
Fill in our simple online form
Clock Completing this form takes around 5 minutes.
Book appointmentAfter you've applied
We will contact you to confirm the time and date of your appointment.
Where we are
- Address Civic Centre 1, High Street, Huddersfield, HD1 2NF