Dewsbury Town Board
Dewsbury is one of 101 places to be invited to develop proposals for a new generation of multi-million-pound Town Deals. The town is eligible for support from the £3.6 billion Towns Fund and can access up to £25m.
Communities, businesses and local leaders joined forces to draw up ambitious plans to transform the town's economic growth prospect with a focus on regeneration, transport, broadband connectivity, skills and culture.
As part of this the council helped to set up the Dewsbury Town Deal Board who helped to prepare an ambitious proposal for the funding. The Dewsbury Town Investment Plan was successfully submitted in 2020, securing £24.8m of Towns Fund
Meet the board
Find out more about the board members visit the Dewsbury Town Board website.
Dewsbury Town Board Terms of Reference
These Terms of Reference set out the governance of the board and its members, its relationship with the council and clear set of roles. You will find reference to the following policies and information within this document:
- Board roles and responsibilities
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Conflicts of interest
- Quorum and decision-making
- Board Code of Conduct
The Investment Plan should set out a clear vision of the area, focusing on its assets, opportunities and challenges and will be used to establish the business case supporting any funding applications. It should set out investment priorities that will drive economic growth in the short, medium, and long term, and be supported by clear evidence and targeted investment. This should include:
- activity that can be locally funded
- projects that could be supported by public investment (including through the Towns Fund)
- any ambitions for private sector investment and community involvement.
The Government's guidance indicates that this should include urban and physical regeneration activity; skills and enterprise infrastructure; and connectivity.
Town Investment Plans should also seek to make full use of existing powers, particularly in planning. They should complement other pre-existing strategy documents that have been developed with local partners. They should also complement the wider strategic approach being taken through initiatives like the Northern Powerhouse to join up and co-ordinate potential investment in Dewsbury.
The amount of investment from the Towns Fund will be determined based on the strength of the Towns Investment Plan amongst other relevant factors. Up to £25m will be made available to each of the 101 towns that are participating in the Towns Fund programme. The majority of this funding is expected to be capital rather than revenue. The Investment Plan will set out how Towns Fund support will leverage additional public and private investment and outline the outputs that will be achieved. It is therefore critical that the Investment Plan is well thought through, with a robust evidence base that clearly demonstrates joined up thinking and value for money.
In order to meet Government's timetable a Town Investment Plan will need to be in place by the end of summer 2020. To ensure the plan meets the appropriate quality threshold and is delivered against these tight timescales, it is proposed that the work is procured from external consultants. This should be done using the council's procurement framework using the capacity funding provided by Government.
Subject to the Town Board agreement a full tender brief will be prepared to support this and will be brought back to the Town Board for endorsement.
Building on the existing North Kirklees story, we would expect the plan to capture existing investment plans and funding, identify new opportunities for catalytic projects and draw down additional public and private sector funding. In particular the plan should seek to engage private investors and developers early to identify opportunities for additional private investment and collaboration across the Towns Fund geography.
Anticipated outputs would include:
- a clear articulation of the strategic vision for the area
- a prioritised list of targeted and costed projects and investments needed to deliver this vision (including suggested phasing and a clear articulation of the additional value the Towns Fund will bring)
- a clear set of outputs or KPIs against which the plan can be measured.
Investment plan recommendations
- That the board endorse the commissioning of the Investment Plan from external consultants.
- That a detailed brief be developed by Kirklees Council on behalf of the Town Board and be brought back to the Town Board for agreement.
- Dewsbury Town Investment Plan (DTIP) Summary - Plan on the Page
- Dewsbury Town Investment Plan (DTIP) - Complete version
- Dewsbury Town Investment Plan (DTIP) - Appendix 1 - Socioeconomic assessment
- Appendix 2 - Kirklees draft economic recovery plan
- Dewsbury Town Investment Plan (DTIP) - Appendix 3 - Our Town Dewsbury Consultation Report
- Dewsbury Town Investment Plan (DTIP) - Appendix 4 - Project prioritisation report
- Dewsbury Town Board membership list
- Dewsbury Town Investment Plan (DTIP) - Appendix 7 - Area map
For the latest meetings browse meetings for the Dewsbury Town Board.
Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 29th January 2020
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 29th January 2020 - Agenda
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 29th January 2020 - Minutes
Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 15th July 2020
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 15th July 2020 - Agenda
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 15th July 2020 - Minutes
- Dewsbury Town Board July 2020 Potential Projects
- Town Fund Investment Plan Overview 15th July Board Meeting
Dewsbury Town Board Meeting, 16th September 2020
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 16th September 2020 - Agenda
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 16th September 2020 - Minutes
- Dewsbury Town Fund board slides, 16th September 2020
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 16th September 2020 - Governance
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 16th September 2020 - Item 5 Part 2 - Dewsbury TIP - Drop in session notes
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 16th September 2020 - Item 5 Town Vision
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 16th September 2020 - Engagement Process
Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 22nd October 2020
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 22nd October - Agenda
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 22nd October - Minutes
- Item 4 - Advanced Funding Paper
- Item 4 - Dewsbury Better Spaces Programme bid to Town Fund paper - External Enhancement works to Pioneer House
- Dewsbury Town Board - Consultation and Engagement presentation - Social Communications
- Dewsbury Town Board Project prioritisation process - Avison Young
Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 19th November 2020
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 19th November 2020 - Agenda
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 19th November 2020 - Minutes
- Item 4 - Terms of Reference Note
- Dewsbury Town Board, Terms of Reference - November 2020
- Interim Report - Dewsbury Town Fund Consultation - Social Communications
Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 17th December 2020
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 17th December 2020 - Agenda
- Item 3 - Dewsbury Town Board, 17th December 2020 - Minutes
- Item 4 - Final Dewsbury Terms of Reference
- Item 5 - Board Membership
- Item 6 - Terms of Reference
- Item 7 - Key events, 17th December 2020
Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 14th January 2021
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 14th January 2021 - Agenda
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 14th January 2021 - Minutes
- Item 6 - Town Investment Plan
- Item 7 - Key events, 14th January 2021
Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 18th March 2021
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 18th March 2021 - Agenda
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 18th March 2021 - Minutes
- Item 5 - Business Case Procurement Process - Project Development Assurance paper
Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 24th June 2021
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 24th June 2021 - Agenda
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 24th June 2021 - Minutes
- Item 4 - Town Deal Chair
- Item 5 - Town Deal Next Steps
Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 5th August 2021
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 5th August 2021 - Minutes
- Dewsbury Town Board meeting, 5th August 2021 - Agenda
- Item 8 - Stage 2 Project Confirmation, Project Assurance and Business Case Development paper