Safer schools
We want all our schools to be a place where students, and staff feel safe, comfortable and accepted.
Personal, social and health education (PSHE) lessons give students knowledge, skills and understanding they need to make the right choices in life; where they are encouraged to be leaders and positive role models - speaking up about issues such as bullying.
Below is information for students, parents and professionals to open up conversations about the issues tackled in PHSE throughout the school year.
If you would like help with a particular issue or have concerns about a student, please contact the school direct. If you need to report a criminal incident, contact the Police.
Lots of people drink alcohol, and in sensible amounts it's usually fine. But drinking to excess can cause you to feel more confident which means you might do things that you usually wouldn't consider if you were sober. Not to mention the lasting damage excessive alcohol can do to your body.
If someone you care about is drinking too much, this can affect you too. Don't forget, the legal age to buy alcohol is 18. Drinking alcohol underage in public is illegal.
Helpful websites
Most secondary school students now have a mobile device which has opened up a whole new world of cyberbullying and therefore, the need to be aware of how to change phone and app settings to help prevent it. You can usually find guides on the internet to help you do this if you're unsure.
Cyberbullying includes abusive or threatening emails or messages, sharing personal images or information without the person's permission or posting nasty comments on social media.
Helpful websites
There are always risks involved taking any kind of drug. Illegal drugs may be mixed with other substances and you never know exactly how they will affect you.
You can be arrested for using, having or supplying illegal drugs. It doesn't matter if you have a small or large amount, you can still be found guilty. Dealing drugs is more serious than using or having them on you. So if you sold drugs to your mates and got caught, the sentence would be longer.
Helpful websites
Secondary schools in Kirklees are working with the local police and council services to educate students about the dangers of knives as there are many misconceptions.
Carrying a weapon to protect yourself is a crime and in fact you are much more likely to become a victim of knife crime if you carry one. Possession of a knife can carry a prison sentence of up to four years, even if it's not used.
Read some inspirational, real-life stories behind young people going knife-free. Plus what to do if you have concerns about someone. There are also some great ideas for parents about how to talk to your child about knives.