June 2023 update

Due to the current economic climate, high rates of inflation have resulted in a funding shortfall. Following a joint review with Calderdale and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA), a difficult decision was taken to put the project on hold. the project will continue from the existing development stage, once a new funding source has been identified.

Key details

We're improving the flow of traffic and making it easier to walk, cycle or take public transport along the A629.

The plans will ease congestion, reduce journey times on the corridor between Ainley Top roundabout and the Huddersfield Ring Road, which will support future housing and employment growth in Kirklees.

The A629 proposals form part of a wider programme of transport improvements across West Yorkshire, being delivered by Kirklees Council and Calderdale Council as part of the West Yorkshire 'Plus' Transport Fund (WY+TF).

The phases

  • Phase 1a: Jubilee Road to Shaw Hill (Calderdale)
  • Phase 1b: Elland Wood Bottom to Salterhebble Hill (Calderdale)
  • Phase 2: Halifax Town Centre (Calderdale)
  • Phase 4: Cycling, walking and public transport interventions, such as new cycle routes, upgraded shelters and real time information
  • Phase 5: Ainley Top into Huddersfield (Kirklees)

For further information about the Calderdale projects visit Calderdale Next Chapter

Phase 4 - Cycling, walking and public transport interventions

Project overview

This project aims to complement the work of the four other A629 improvement projects by improving walking, cycling and bus infrastructure along the A629 corridor. Creating cycle lanes and safer pedestrian access as well as better links to public transport will make active travel a realist and safe option.

Phase 4 supporting information

Phase 5 - Ainley Top into Huddersfield

Project overview

This element of the project aims to ease congestion, reduce journey times and create capacity on the corridor between Ainley Top roundabout and Huddersfield ring road to accommodate future housing and employment growth needed for the vitality of Kirklees, its neighbours and the wider region.

Phase 5 supporting information


  • Improve access to Halifax and Huddersfield from the M62, encouraging investment and enabling access to land for housing and employment development.
  • Make bus journeys more practical, encouraging more people to use public transport. Significant cycling and pedestrian improvements will make these modes more popular.
  • Dedicated cycle and pedestrian routes will make for safer journeys.
  • The investment in active travel infrastructure and public transport will encourage users to reduce private vehicle usage and use sustainable travel modes, leading to fewer emissions and reduced congestion.

Tree planting

Any trees removed as part of the scheme will be replaced with mature trees at new boundary lines. In total, up to 126 trees will be removed, however a comprehensive re-planting scheme is being offered to all affected landowners. This will lead to semi-mature trees (5 to 7m tall) being planted to replace those lost. In total over 750 new trees will be planted along the route.

Proposed tree planting programme:

Blacker Road / Edgerton Road junction

52 trees planted in residential gardens, three trees within Edgerton Cemetery and 35 within the new highway.

Halifax Road / Birkby Road junction

12 replacement trees have been offered to the Church of Latter Day Saints and six trees within an affected residential garden and 12 within the residential off-street parking area.

Ainley Top

Around 650 young trees will be planted to create a new woodland. Substantial hedgerow and other planting will also be provided.


June 2023 update

Project on hold.

February 2019

Public engagement process started with drop-in sessions.

March 2019

Public engagement closed.

January 2018

Kirklees Council began engagement with landowners to secure the purchase of land. In June we published the plans and asked for people's views which resulted in the plans being adapted in response to those views.

Supporting information

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