A638 Dewsbury - Cleckheaton Sustainable Travel Corridor (STC)
This road improvement scheme is a collaborative project between Kirklees Council and West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA). The improvement scheme will help create a network that will support everyday journeys and provide safer active travel opportunities. The scheme has received £15 million funding from the WYCA's Transforming Cities Fund.
- Controlled puffin crossing for improved pedestrian safety.
- New footways along Bradford and Halifax Road.
- Reduce the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph from Chain bar Roundabout along Bradford Road.
- New bus lane on Bradford Road, creating bus priority and improve reliability.
- Improved cycle links to Spen Valley Greenway and Spen Ringway.
- New lighting on the greenway to improve safety.
Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) plans for the proposals
- Reduce road traffic and reliance on cars.
- Improved journey times.
- Improve air quality in the local area.
- Increase model transport options.
- Support economic growth.
- Provide better access to more education, training and employment opportunities.
- Improved safety for all highway users including cyclists and pedestrians.
With the introduction of the bus lane and improved cycleways, more people can realistically opt for sustainable travel options. This will contribute to the Net Zero and Climate Ready by 2038 which is our target to reduce harmful emissions and have a positive impact on the environment and climate change.
Progress (Key milestones)
- Concept design and public consultation - November 2021
- Preliminary esign - August 2022
- Detailed design - September 2024
- Tendering - November 2024
Consultation details
The public consultation closed on the 17 August 2021. Responses to the surveys were:
- A638 Zones 1-3: 351
- A638 Zones 4-6: 103
- Spen Valley Greenway and Ringway: 340
- Heckmondwike Bus Station: 133
All comments will be taken into account during the subsequent design and business case. Your Voice: A638 Dewsbury - Cleckheaton Sustainable Travel Corridor includes a public consultation report summarising all feedback.
Next steps
Approved tenderers - December 2024
Work begins on site - April 2025 to April 2026