Closed circuit television (CCTV)
Information about closed circuit television (CCTV), retail radio link and how to request information about data held on CCTV recordings.
- There are over 125 public surveillance CCTV cameras across the district of Kirklees which are monitored and recorded 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by Kirklees Council Operators.
- Live footage is monitored in the Kirklees Council CCTV Control Room and is used to assist with the prevention, detection and reduction of crime and the fear of crime in order to make communities feel safer.
- Recordings are automatically erased after 31 days which is inline with the Kirklees Council CCTV code of practice.
- All footage is confidential and subject to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
- Privacy notice for Kirklees Council Public Open Space CCTV
Making a Subject Access Request (SAR)
- Members of the public can request footage of themselves ONLY and must state clearly the time when the incident occurred. This would be handled as a Subject Access Request. SAR requests should be sent to the Data Protection Officer for assessment, in the first instance.
- Requests can be made by going to our GDPR page and click 'Apply Online'.
- Alternatively you can email
Make a request through the Freedom of Information Act
- If you wish to make a request for information through the Freedom of Information Act, this must be in writing, must contain a name and address for correspondence and must clearly describe the information you are seeking.
- Requests can be made by going to our Freedom of Information page.
- You can also make a request to:
- Kirklees Council
- Address Information Governance Team, The Democracy Service, PO Box 1720, Huddersfield, HD1 9EL
- Email
How to request footage of a road traffic incident
Incident without police involvement or a crime number
Contact your insurance company or solicitor to request the footage. This is chargeable.
The insurer or solicitor then sends the request to Email
Incident with police involvement or a crime number
The police have an internal procedure for requesting CCTV footage. Do not contact Kirklees Council directly, we would only advise you to contact the police.
Retail radio link
- There is a radio network between retailers and businesses that allows members to contact each other, the police or the CCTV control room to share information on suspects, shop thieves or troublemakers.
- CCTV have links to the radio system in Huddersfield.