Reasons for investment

The southern corridors to Huddersfield experience delays, queuing traffic, and limited facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. These routes are often severely congested at peak times, which makes travel difficult, and travel times unreliable and slow. The scheme aims to reduce congestion, reduce travel times, improve air quality and enhance public realm.

Project overview

Plans have been developed to improve four key locations on busy routes to the south of Huddersfield town centre. The four locations are:

  • Folly Hall - A616 Lockwood Road / Chapel Hill junction with B6432 Colne Road and St Thomas' Road
  • Queensgate - Huddersfield Ring Road, linking to Cross Church Street and Shorehead Roundabout.
  • Lockwood Bar - A616 Lockwood Road / Bridge Street / Lockwood Bar / Albert Street / Crowther Street
  • Longroyd Lane - A62 Manchester Road junction with Longroyd Lane and B6432 St Thomas' Road

Lockwood Bar

Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) plans for the proposals

Please review the proposed TRO plans and if you have any comments, please share them with us by emailing

Parking, waiting, and loading 1

Parking, waiting, and loading 2

Movement restrictions

Speed calming, Albert Street

Folly Hall

The construction of Folly Hall is well underway and includes improvements on Queen Street South and Folly Hall itself. Works began on site in June 2021 and we are now entering the final stage of construction, which is the re-surfacing stage, and is programmed for January 2023. We anticipate the works will take 3 to 4 weeks depending on the weather.

In order to undertake the resurfacing works it will be necessary to divert traffic.

Folly Hall diversion routes

Folly Hall site boundary


A local public consultation was held in November 2022. The results can be viewed at Huddersfield Southern Corridors - Your Voice

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