Mirfield to Dewsbury to Leeds (M2D2L)
Project overview
This scheme looks at the A644 and A653 transport corridors that start in Mirfield, go through Dewsbury and end in Leeds.
We are working in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Leeds City Council to reduce congestion, reduce travel times, improve air quality and enhance public areas on these routes.
The scheme will also help to promote access to jobs, education and services, and improvements in public health and includes new cycle tracks, new pedestrian crossings and footway improvements, bus lanes and bus super-stops (upgraded bus stops), junction upgrades, and other highway space adjustments.
We held a public engagement exercise to gather people's views about our proposals in 2020. We listened to your views and took into consideration new government guidance to produce updated drawings. You can view these drawings on the Mirfield to Dewsbury to Leeds (M2D2L) Transport Scheme .
A public consultation ran from 9 November to 7 December 2021. You can read the Report on Consultation November - December 2021.
Next steps
The cost of the project is £13 million with £12.5 million initially ring fenced through the West Yorkshire plus Transport Fund. However record levels of inflation has had a significant impact on the cost of infrastructure projects across the country resulting in a funding shortfall. Unfortunately this has meant that funding for construction of the project from the West Yorkshire plus Transport Fund has been cut. This does not mean that the hard work to date will go to waste, but instead, once a new funding source has been identified the project will continue from the existing stage.
West Yorkshire Combined Authority will continue to work with local authority partners to minimise this disruption and ensure no part of the region is unfairly impacted as we identify schemes that can be paused and delivered over a longer time period. All of these projects will help level up our region, and we'll be holding government to account over how these will be funded.
For the Kirklees section of the project this means the project will be designed up to the next development stage which is detailed design. This will then be a pipeline scheme until such time as funding has been identified. When a funding stream has been identified the designs will once again be reviewed to ensure they still offer good value for money and it achieves our desired outcomes.
Like the sections in Kirklees, Leeds City Council are having to pause development of Section E between M62 J28 and the White Rose Centre whilst seeking future funding streams necessary to deliver the project.
Funding has been confirmed for Section F, which will extend the cycle lane from Dewsbury Road down to the White Rose Centre, and deliver Bus priority measures. LCC will publish further updates in the future as this moves towards construction.
Contact us
- Phone 01484 221000