In Spring 2024, essential works began on Huddersfield Ring Road with a £750,000 investment. As part of the Highways Maintenance Plan, a series of works were completed including resurfacing the carriageway along the Queensgate and Shorehead, laying new kerbing, improving the central reservation, and upgrading traffic signals and pedestrian crossing which now includes tactile paving.

The scheme was completed in September 2024.

Aerial views of Queensgate and Shorehead roundabout, Huddersfield after the work was completed.

Shorehead from above looking at the roundabout
Quensgate from above looking at the roundabout


  • Resurfacing the carriageway and roundabout
  • Laying new kerbing
  • Improving the central reservation
  • Upgrading traffic signals
  • Improved pedestrian crossings including tactile paving


  • Better access and improved signalling will help reduce journey times and aid traffic flow
  • Improved street lighting and pedestrian crossings will make traffic management safer for all users
  • Safer environment for walking and cycling
  • By upgrading the street lighting we will reduce longer term maintenance costs


The work was carried out in four phases:

  • Phase 1 - Shorehead roundabout
  • Phase 2 - Central reservation
  • Phase 3 - Queensgate anti-clockwise direction
  • Phase 4 - Queensgate clockwise direction

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News about Queensgate, Huddersfield - Kirklees Together

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