A Blue Badge is for the use and benefit only of the person to whom the badge has been issued. It will help you to park close to your destination, either as a passenger or driver.

How to display a Blue Badge

The Blue Badge must be displayed where it can be read clearly through the front windscreen.

It must only be displayed if you're travelling in the vehicle as a driver or passenger, or for the badge holder to be picked up or dropped off.

Where to park

The badge is for on-street parking only. Off-street car parks have separate rules and it's up to the car park owner to decide whether badge holders can park free of charge. You must also check local signs. With a badge you can:

  • Park on-street for free and without time limit at both metered and 'pay and display' sites
  • Park in designated disabled bays free and without time limit unless the sign states otherwise. Your parking clock must be displayed with your Blue Badge
  • Park on single or double yellow lines for up to 3 hours with both your Blue Badge and parking clock displayed. Always check local signs

Where not to park

There are places where parking is not allowed. These include:

  • Pedestrianised areas
  • Bus or cycle lanes
  • Pedestrian crossings
  • Zigzag markings
  • Suspended parking bays
  • Loading bays
  • Resident parking bays

You must not park in a location where your vehicle could cause an obstruction or a danger to others.

The Blue Badge scheme: rights and responsibilities in England provides further guidance on using a Blue Badge.

Expired Blue Badges

When a badge has expired you do not need to return your expired badge. You should destroy it by cutting it up and dispose of it responsibly.

When to return a Blue Badge

Blue Badge holders have a duty to return a badge if:

  • The badge holder is no longer eligible or, in the case of an organisational badge, the organisation no longer exists
  • It is a replacement badge for one that is lost or stolen, and the original is found/recovered (in this case the original badge should be returned so that it can be officially destroyed)
  • The badge is so damaged/faded that the details are not clear
  • The badge is no longer required by the holder
  • Where the badge holder dies, it is the responsibility of the next of kin to return the badge
  • If a badge is found and appears to have been misplaced/lost by the holder

It is important to return badges that are no longer required as this will help stop issues around misuse arising in the future.

How to return a Blue Badge

A badge which is still in-date but no longer needed should be returned as soon as possible to the Disabled Travel Team, stating the reason for its return.
Additionally, in cases where the Blue Badge holder has passed away, it is the responsibility of the next of kin to return the badge to the Disabled Travel Team.

Kirklees Council, Disabled Travel Team
PO Box 1720, Huddersfield, HD1 9EL

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