Apply for listed building consent
It is a criminal offence to carry out work which needs listed building consent without obtaining it beforehand.
When to apply
You must apply for listed building consent if:
- You want to demolish a listed building or curtilage listed building.
- You want to alter or extend a listed building or curtilage listed building in a manner which would affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest.
You may also need listed building consent for work to separate buildings and structures within the grounds of a listed building.
How to apply for listed building consent
Submit an application on the national Planning Portal website
Clock You must register with the site. Registration is free.
ApplyAfter you've applied
We must tell you of our decision within 8 weeks of validating your application.
Your application may be granted with conditions.
If your application is refused, granted with conditions or not determined within 8 weeks, you have the right to appeal.
How to appeal a decision
Penalties for working on a listed building without consent
Work without consent can result in a fine or imprisonment, and an order to undo the work.