Complete the wraparound childcare parent survey

Wraparound care is childcare before and after the school day, such as breakfast clubs or after school clubs. The government's ambition is that by 2026, all parents and carers of primary school-age children who need it will be able to access term time wraparound childcare in their local area from 8am to 6pm to allow parents to work.

The purpose of this survey is to collect information about the needs, experience and views of parents and carers regarding wraparound childcare for children in primary school.

Your answers will help us to plan and work towards enabling all parents who need it to access wraparound care in their local area. All your answers will remain confidential, and you will not be identified in any way when we use or report the results of this survey.

It is important to note that wraparound childcare is not free and will need to be paid for.

Information about help towards paying for wraparound childcare can be found at Childcare choices

Complete survey

All local authorities have a statutory duty to ensure that the provision of childcare in their areas is sufficient to meet the needs of parents, to allow them to work or undertake education or training.

As part of this, local authorities undertake a Childcare Sufficiency Assessment.

We must ensure that:

  • there is sufficient childcare available for working parents and those parents training to enter work.
  • there is sufficient childcare for every child to access their entitlement to free early education and care.

To do this a childcare sufficiency assessment is published, refreshed on an annual basis, and fully re-written every 3 years.

The assessment:

  • is a local market research and analysis document.
  • helps us identify priorities and manage the local childcare market.
  • enables the childcare market to manage itself and reduces the need for council intervention.

Assessments, strategies and ward profiles

Childcare Sufficiency Assessment for wraparound

Express an interest in expanding or creating wraparound childcare

Fill in our simple online form.

Clock Completing this form takes around 10 minutes

Express your interest

After you've applied

Our Wraparound Childcare Team will get in touch with you.

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