The Childcare Sufficiency Team can advise about new childcare business set up, sustaining existing provision and exiting from childcare provision.

Business resources for childcare providers

Childcare vacancy calculator - template for working out the number of childcare vacancies

OSC vacancy calculator - template for working out the number of childcare vacancies in out of school clubs

Breakeven calculator - a template for working out your breakeven point

Cash flow statement academic year - a template for working out your cash flow

Cash flow statement financial year - a template for working out your cash flow

Occupancy calculator a template for working out your average occupancy

Hempsall's Business Map for early years providers

Write a business plan - GOV.UK - download free business plan templates and find help and advice on how to write your business plan

Other funding opportunities

Childcare providers may also be able to access non-specific childcare grants.

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