In order to meet the needs of our residents and businesses, we may need to identify additional land for development.

We want to hear from you if you have any suggestions for sites that should be considered when we are developing the Local Plan. This is known as the 'Call for sites'

The Kirklees Local Plan was adopted on 27 February 2019 and in accordance with Regulation 10A of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 as amended must be reviewed within five years. The review of the Local Plan was completed in October 2023 and found the plan to be out-of-date in several areas, including housing and employment supply and delivery, and in relation to planning policies to support the council's climate change emergency. The decision to begin a full update of the Local Plan was made at Full Council on 15 November 2023.

The update will set out the strategy for the growth and development of Kirklees over the next 15 years, and the policies, proposals, site allocations and designations necessary to deliver the strategy. In order to meet the needs of our residents and businesses, the update may need to identify additional land for development.

This is an opportunity for residents, community groups, business operators, landowners and developers to suggest sites that you would like to be considered as part of the preparation of the updated Local Plan. We want to look at as many options as possible and choose the most suitable sites for where new development goes.

The Call for Sites has been open since February 2020 and remains open to continue to allow interested parties, including landowners and developers, to inform the council of potential sites to be considered for inclusion in the updated Local Plan.

Unless site details have changed, there is no need to re-submit a site that has been submitted since the Call for Sites process was opened in February 2020.

Types of sites or developments you can suggest

Sites can be suggested for a wide range of uses. This includes:

  • Community uses
  • Employment (offices, research and development, industrial processes, general industry and storage and distribution)
  • Gypsy and traveller sites
  • Housing (this includes sites for market led housing, 100% affordable housing, self-build and custom housing and sites that can accommodate specialist accommodation for a group of people with specific needs, such as older person's housing and student housing)
  • Minerals for example, extraction or processing
  • Mixed use (for example a mix of housing and employment uses)
  • Nature recovery and biodiversity net gain
  • New public green space
  • Renewable energy and energy storage
  • Retail and leisure (including hotel and mixed leisure uses)
  • Safeguarded land (land to be safeguarded for potential future development)
  • Travelling showpeople sites
  • Waste for example recycling or processing

If you would like to suggest a use that is not covered in the list above please contact:

We are especially interested to hear about potential opportunities for the development, re-use or redevelopment of land, sites and buildings within towns and villages or on previously developed land.

How to submit a site

Fill in our simple online form.

Clock Completing this form takes around 15 minutes

Paperclip To submit a site you must provide an Ordnance Survey based site plan, preferably at a 1:1250 scale or at least 1:2500. This plan should clearly show the site boundary outlined in red.

Due to copyright restrictions the council is unable to provide blank plans for this exercise.

Land Registry Plans are also not normally acceptable as they tend not to be to scale or show an up-to-date representation of the surrounding area.

Buy a planning map

Inform us of a potential development site

After you've submitted a site

Proposing a site does not necessarily mean that it will be allocated in the updated Local Plan. The choice of sites to be included in the Local Plan will be made at a later stage of the plan making process and after consultation. Sites submitted cannot be treated as confidential and the boundary of all submitted sites will be published in relevant emerging evidence documents.

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