How to join the Adult Social Care Co-production Board
Our vision for Co-production
Kirklees Council, Our five-year vision for Adult Social Care
'Our vision is about people as active and equal partners in how we work together to co-produce, co-design, co-deliver and co-evaluate care services in Kirklees'
Coproduction is a central part of Kirklees vision for adult social care.
What Co-production is
It is a way of working together to create the best possible decisions and services. It's a process that is value driven and most importantly built on the principle that those who use a service are best placed to help design, evaluate and influence it.
- A culture where people are valued, respected and recognised
- Clear communication
- A culture of openness and honesty
- Commitment to sharing knowledge, power and decisions
- Ensure that co-production is accessible to everyone
- Taking pride in equality, inclusion and diversity
Recent projects
People who need additional care and support, carers, community members, professionals and organisations have already worked together on influential projects, including:
- An integrated Contact Centre Service for health and care
- A review of Direct Payments within social care
- Community Champions - helping to build confidence from within communities about the COVID-19 vaccination programme.
- Iroko Project - working with the Black African and Caribbean Community to understand lived experience around inequalities and co-producing community-led solutions
- My Care Account - A new online self-service platform for Service Users and Carers in Kirklees.
About the Co-production Network
It is an informal community of people who are interested in how we can learn together to create positive and lasting change.
About the Co-production Board
Within the Co-production Network there is also a Co-production Board coordinated by Kirklees Council whose members work to drive the development of co-production in our local area as set out in the Kirklees Council Vision for Adult Social Care.
The role of the Co-production Board
- Change the hearts and minds of people across health and care so they understand the benefits and are committed to co-production.
- Work with strategic leaders of social care and health in Kirklees to drive development of co-production, as set out in Kirklees Council vision.
- Gather views of stakeholders in the community and ensure they are shared with strategic leaders.
- Establish working groups to further any projects the board want to take forward.
- Attend the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee to update on progress around co-production.
- Work in partnership to provide advice and recommendations to the leaders of social care and health organisations in Kirklees on the best way to plan, commission and provide care and support.
- Produce and monitor the delivery of an action plan
How to join the Co-production Board
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Co-production Board, please complete and return the short expression of interest form.
If you would like some support filling in the form or have any questions about what is involved, please call Tamsin Macdonald on Phone 07807 124009 or email Email
Please send completed forms to Email We will then contact you about the next steps.