Food safety inspections

The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme is designed to help consumers choose where to eat out or shop by giving them information about the hygiene standards in food outlets at the time they are inspected.

Each business is given a 'hygiene rating' when it is inspected by one of our food safety officers. The hygiene rating shows how closely the business is meeting the requirements of food hygiene law.

Our food safety officer inspecting a business checks how well the business is meeting the law by looking at:

  • how hygienically the food is handled - how it is prepared, cooked, re-heated, cooled and stored
  • the condition of the structure of the buildings - the cleanliness, layout, lighting, ventilation and other facilities
  • how the business manages and records what it does to make sure food is safe.

When we visit

We visit all food premises, without prior notification where possible.

We visit higher risk premises more frequently than those in lower risk categories.

If practices or conditions are not satisfactory, we try to resolve the situation informally.

If we need to resort to formal action, we may serve a legal notice, prosecute, or in extreme cases close the business.

Following an inspection most businesses are given a food hygiene rating.

Receiving a food hygiene rating

We notify you of the rating once the inspection is completed or soon after

If no appeal is entered within 21 days after notification, the rating is submitted for publication on the Food Standards Agency website.

Food Standards Agency: Food hygiene ratings

Kirklees Council Good Safety Service Plan 2022

Right to reply

You have a right to reply about the food hygiene rating you are given.

The right to reply allows the business to tell customers how the business has improved its hygiene standards or if there were unusual circumstances at the time of inspection. This response will be published online, alongside the rating, by the local authority.

It is not for making complaints or criticising the scheme or food safety officer.

How to reply

Download and fill in the form

Clock Completing this form takes around 10 minutes.

Paperclip Explain what you have done to make required improvements detailed in the inspection letter, or give reasons for the circumstances at the time of the inspection.

Download form

After you've replied

Your reply is published on the Food Hygiene Ratings website.

It may be edited to remove any offensive, defamatory, or clearly inaccurate or irrelevant remarks.

Appeal your rating

If you want to appeal your rating, initially contact the inspecting officer.

Contact details are left with you at the time of inspection.

If you don't resolve the matter informally, you can lodge a formal appeal within 21 days of your rating allocation.

How to make a formal appeal

Download and fill in the form

Clock Completing this form takes around 10 minutes.

Download form

After you've replied

Your rating will be reviewed and the outcome of your appeal communicated to you within 21 days.

Request a revisit

If you make the improvements to hygiene standards that are highlighted in your inspection report, you can request a re-visit with a view to giving you a new and potentially higher food hygiene rating. There will be a charge for each re-visit carried out at your request.

The re-visit will be carried out within three months of receipt and acceptance of your application and payment.

How to request a revisit

Download and fill in the form

Clock Completing this form takes around 10 minutes.

Download form

After you've made your request

The visit will be unannounced and will take place within 3 months of your request being accepted and payment made.

If your case for a revisit isn't strong enough, we can refuse to revisit.

If we revisit, the officer will check you have made required improvements and assess your overall level of compliance.

Your rating could go up, down or remain the same after the revisit

How your score was calculated

Your inspection

At the inspection, the food safety officer will check how well you are meeting the law on food hygiene. Three areas will be assessed. These are:

  • how hygienically the food is handled - how it is prepared, cooked, cooled, stored, and what measures are taken to prevent food being contaminated with bacteria
  • the condition of the structure of the premises including cleanliness, layout, lighting, ventilation, equipment and other facilities
  • how you manage and record what you do to make sure food is safe using a system like Safer food, better business

You will be given a score for each area. Food safety officers use guidance to determine how to score each of these areas.

We rate the hygiene standards on a scale of 0 (urgent improvement necessary), to 5 (very good).

The scores are classified as:

  • 0 - Urgent improvement necessary
  • 1 - Major improvement necessary
  • 2 - Improvement necessary
  • 3 - Generally satisfactory
  • 4 - good
  • 5 - Very good
Criteria Score
How hygienically the food is handled 0 5 10 15 20 25
Condition of structure 0 5 10 15 20 25
How you manage and document food safety 0 5 10 20 30
Total score 0   80
Level of compliance High   Low

Your food hygiene rating

The rating given depends on how well the business does overall.  It also depends on the area(s) that need improving the most, the business may do better in some areas and less well in others.

To get the top rating, you must score no more than 5 in each of the three areas.  All businesses should be able to get the top rating. You will automatically get a new rating at each planned inspection.

Your Rating Score
Total score 0 – 15 20 25 – 30 35 – 40 45 – 50 > 50
Highest permitted individual score 5 10 10 15 20 -
Rating 5 4 3 2 1 0

Businesses given ratings of 0 must make urgent improvements to hygiene standards. Food service officers will use a number of enforcement tools as well as giving advice and guidance to make sure these improvements are made.

If the officers find that a business's hygiene standards are very poor and there is an imminent risk to health, the officer must take action to make sure that consumers are protected. Where appropriate, this could mean prohibiting part of an operation or closing the business down, but this will not occur in every case.

Scores of 4 or 5 can be achieved by complying with food safety laws.

Improving your food hygiene rating

Don't ignore inspection reports

Look at your last food hygiene inspection report to check that you've taken all of the action needed to ensure that you meet legal requirements. If you can't find your last report, contact us and we will be able to forward a copy.

Help and guidance

If you don't get the top rating and you have queries about the improvements you need to make to get a better rating, then the inspecting officer can give you advice. If it is in response to a recent inspection you should contact him/her directly


Ensuring that you and your staff are adequately trained and/or instructed is an important part of food safety management. Food handling staff not only need to appreciate the fundamentals of food hygiene but also be instructed in the elements of the food safety management procedure that they are responsible for carrying out. It is recommended that food handling staff are trained to an equivalent of the CIEH or RSPH Level 2. The person responsible for maintaining your food safety management procedures (also known as HACCP) should also have a good understanding of how to manage food safety in that business.

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP)

If you do not have a documented food safety management system in place or keep records of your food safety checks it is unlikely that you will be able to score a very good food hygiene rating. Food safety management plans need not be very complicated.

You have three options:

  1. Complete your own food safety management procedures;
  2. Get a food safety consultant to help you; or
  3. Use an 'off the shelf' resource.

Your choice will depend upon how complex your operation is and the size of your business

Safer food, better business

The Food Standards Agency have developed a resource called 'Safer food, better business that can be appropriate in some businesses. It also comes in a range of languages and for different types of food business.

Rating stickers

A sticker has have been left with you. You can tell your customers how good your hygiene standards are by displaying the sticker on the window or the door. If you do not have a suitable glass surface, you could fix the sticker onto a transparent surface before fixing that onto a wall or other surface. Please destroy the sticker showing your previous rating as only one rating - the most recent rating should be displayed. Continuing to display a previous rating may constitute an offence under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.

Your rating will also be published on the Food Standards Agency's website in 3 to 5 weeks.

Contravention codes

Contravention codes for food safety legislation (action list)
Code Description
FS1 Hazard Analysis Chapter II Article 5
FS2 Training / Instruction Annex II Chapter XII (FBO and Staff Competence)
FS3 Premises Cleanliness, Maintenance and Repair Annex II Chapter I paragraph 1
FS4 General Requirements Annex II Chapter I paragraph 2 (lay-out, design, temperature controlled storage)
FS5 Sanitary Accommodation Annex II Chapter I paragraph 3
FS6 Hand Washing Facilities Annex II Chapter I paragraph 4
FS7 Suitable and Sufficient Ventilation Annex II Chapter I paragraph 5
FS8 Ventilation to Sanitary Accommodation Annex II Chapter I paragraph 6
FS9 Adequate Lighting Annex II Chapter I paragraph 7
FS10 Adequate Drainage Annex II Chapter I paragraph 8
FS11 Adequate Changing Facilities Annex II Chapter I paragraph 9
FS12 Storage of cleaning Agents Annex II Chapter I paragraph 10
FS13 Specific Requirements relating to Food Rooms Annex II Chapter II paragraph 1 (floors, walls, ceiling, windows & doors)
FS14 Facilities for Cleaning, Disinfecting and Storage of Equipment Annex II Chapter II paragraph 2
FS15 Facilities for Washing Food Annex II Chapter II paragraph 3
FS16 Requirements for Mobile Premises Annex II Chapter III
FS17 Transport, Conveyances and Containers Annex II Chapter IV
FS18 Equipment Requirements Annex II Chapter V
FS19 Food Waste Requirements Annex II Chapter VI
FS20 Water Supply (incl. Steam and Ice) Annex II Chapter VII
FS21 Personal Hygiene Annex II Chapter VIII paragraph 1
FS22 Sickness Arrangements Annex II Chapter VIII paragraph 2
FS23 Provisions Applicable to Foodstuffs Annex II Chapter IX (protect food from contamination)
FS24 Pest Control Annex II Chapter IX paragraph 4
FS25 Temperature Requirements Annex II Chapter IX paragraph 5
FS26 Cooling of Foodstuffs Annex II Chapter IX paragraph 6
FS27 Thawing of Foodstuffs Annex II Chapter IX paragraph 7
FS28 Wrapping and Packaging of Foodstuffs Annex II Chapter X
FS29 Heat Treatment of Food in Hermetically Sealed Containers Annex II Chapter XI
FS30 FBO Registration Article 6 Para 2
FS/TC1 Cold Food above 8°C Regulation 32 Schedule 4 paragraph 2
FS/TC2 Hot Holding Requirements Regulation 32 Schedule 4 paragraph 6
FSA1 Food Rendered Injurious to Health Section 7
FSA2 Food Not of Nature, Substance or Quality Section 14
FIR1 Allergens Information- Regulation 5
178/1 Food Safety Requirements Article 14 ( Food Past its use-by date)
178/2 Traceability Article 18
178/3 Responsibility for Food: Food Business Operators Article 19
AB1 Disposal of Animal By-Products Schedule 1 Paragraph 6